20 Replies to “It’s Probably Nothing”

  1. We should have had right to work legislation when Harper had a majority.
    …and property rights, and gun rights, and the CBC should have been defunded, and…

    PP will have to be 10x the PM that Harper was just to make a dent.

  2. I read it all.. Word salad.. Its English but I don’t understand it..
    Fact is.. Junk mail cant support this government heap of raises, promotions and pensions.. I hope this letter from 1972 finds you well?. LOL.. WTF do they do besides junk mail?..

  3. It will be easier to monitor all citizen communications if the postal service is managed to dissolution.

  4. I blame every bank, credit card company, investment broker, utility company … and even all my Doctors for telling me they prefer … “paperless” … transactions. See. We’re saving the planet by driving the Postal Services out of business. I don’t get any bills in the mail anymore. And letter-writing was pretty well DEAD by 1985.

    Now … the good news is ALL my vinyl purchases are shipped via heavily discounted “media Mail” … about $4.00 per lp. (Properly packed).

    1. Why “blame”? E-transactions are fare more convenient and cheap. Anyone who prefers to ship physical paper, and I still do sometimes, is free to do so, but should pay for it themselves. There are lots of couriers and I use one every time I send any damn thing to any government body and cannot get an immediate E-receipt, because those fools lie, lose stuff, ignore stuff and generally behave like government does.

      Canada began issuing stamps on April 23, 1851, the cheapest one, for a local letter, being 3 UK pence, which my inflation calculator site tells me was worth the same as $3.88 today.

      So if you’re paying less than that to courier a letter, you’re doing OK.

      1. I was being “ironic” using the word “blame”. Of course online “paperwork” is far more efficient. Once again … the Free Market has spoken … and they’ve relegated “the Mail” to a 19th century place in history.

  5. If the gov’t of Canada allows Canada Post to go bankrupt, are taxpayers still on the hook for their pensions?

    That’s got to suck. But no worse than farriers were ousted from their honest work back at the turn of the prior century.

    Someone had commented a couple of days past here, of how wait times to speak on the phone to anyone at CRA / taxation was about 4 hours and to have an email returned with a response was +50 days.

    Gov’t is the problem, and they’re broken, which wouldn’t be so bad if they didn’t mandate everything they touch and expect you to pay for a non-service and such broken heavily accented English you can scarcely understand them.


    Some gov’t entities are doing well though…

  6. Innovapost? WTF is that? “An information technology and consulting subsidiary sold to Deloitte.” SCI Group? WTF is that? “From inbound and inventory management to pick, pack, and ship, transportation and returns management, we’ll take care of all your e-commerce needs.”

    You’re shitting me. Who’s brilliant idea was it to have Canada Post lose billions trying to operate real businesses? This is the stupidest thing since the Canadian Mint decided to lose hundreds of millions manufacturing and selling jewellery and watches to a market that totally rejected them. Government should not be in business. Their business plan is to piss money away faster than they can tax it.

    1. scar: “Government should not be in business. Their business plan is to piss money away faster than they can tax it.”

      That should be printed on business card stock and handed out to anyone who says, “The government should do something about…” well, anything. Anything at all.

      1. Speaking of the “government doing something” BILD is demanding the government do something about the lack of home sales in June/july, that actions of the government caused.

  7. We have been sending mail to our grandson. He loves getting mail. Best to have the experience before it disappears. 19th century technology. And yes, the taxpayers will still be paying the pensions.

  8. Canada Post.
    Owner – Canadian Federal Government.
    Shareholders – Canadian taxpayers.

    It’s a government SERVICE, not a business, and the government loses money on everything they do.

    I wouldn’t have gone paperless, IF Canada Post could actually deliver MY mail to MY house, and not some random neighbour’s house…..

  9. I am in rural alberta, and i used to hate the post office, still do not like it. But I have been exposed to getting deliveries from ups, fedex, or any of the other couriers and am far more in favor of the post office than I used to be

    1. it will be the rural areas most affected by the loss of the “postage stamp ” pricing . the couriers will not pick up the loss . and why should they.

  10. Can we just dissolve Canada Post and let Fed EX Purolator et al handle the dwindling snail mail market? Yes, your letter will cost more, but it already does – you just don’t see it because of the massive subsidy Canada Post receives.
