19 Replies to “Tonight on Fight Night”

  1. This is a really big deal…not because of the actions of Brazil, but how Musk proceeds going forward. It will tell you something about how he plans on dealing with the UK. On January 2025, the UK has a law(s) coming on line that will provide them with the power to determine if “X” is doing enough to stymie the speech that the UK thinks should be stymied. If he doesn’t respond in what the UK determines to be a reasonable fashion (aka applying censorship at their whim), then “X” is subject to financial penalties that can reach as high as 10% of global revenue for the social media outlet.

    It will be interesting to see how Musk moves forward.

    1. So far he has told the Starlink customers in Brazil (mostly people in the Amazon who have no other real options for internet) that he will not cut their services. The accounts that were seized are how Musk got paid by them. Its a small number of customers.

  2. It will also be interesting to see how countries respond when they in effect make themselves no go zones as a place where businesses can operate without worry of selective prosecution. At this point communist China looks safer than Brazil with this judicial lunatic running rampant, or the UK under Reichskanzler Keir Der Sturmer. And the US will immediately go the same way once the Dems manage to fraud their way into another win.

    1. one does get the notion the chinese authorities position is dont rock the f’ing junk, follow the rules and have at it like good capitalists remember give us our cut. its only the socialists now grabbing and nationalizing and price controls. stuck in late 19th century thinking.

      1. ‘dont rock the f’ing junk’
        Like Jack Ma did.
        Like that female tennis player, Peng Shuai, who complained of sexual assault.

  3. My daughter and son in law work in the financial district in London known as “The City.” He has a European Union passport type so can take the family virtually anywhere in Europe.

    Just spent a week with her visiting me in the US. She is saying that a lot of rich, well connected people she knows are fleeing the UK right now. Most of these people have other passports and are fed up with the new Communist, sorry – Labour Regime. Her taxes will skyrocket next year and as she says, “We can leave here anytime we need to. We feel sorry for the poor and middle class as they are pretty much stuck.”

    If Trump were smart he should open up the US to any economic and political refugees from the UK on Day One.

    1. The new labour gov’t of the UK has said the tax increases (including their capital gains tax) in next month’s budget will be painful.

      I think there will be an exodus, to anywhere, knowing how many can now work remotely compounds the UK’s problem and censorship aims.

    2. “If Trump were smart he should open up the US to any economic and political refugees from the UK on Day One.”
      That would be a bad idea. It may sound like you would get rich centre right and right wing Brits, but we all know who would be flooding into the US Those poor politically oppressed Muslims and those African migrants who are so discriminated against.

  4. Blackface Trudeau and his semi-retarded midget master King Charles are salivating and licking their chops.

  5. I’m not buying the Elon saving humanity thing. More and more I’m thinking Elon and Trump are in on it. Manufactured opposition to make you think you still have chance.

    1. Tell you what. I’ll get an AR-15 with iron sights, and I’ll shoot at you, and if you time it right I’ll only graze your ear. You up for that? Is that the sort of plan you’d agree to?

      1. The hatred is real. The government trying to crush Trump is real. Evil democrats are real. But ultimately it won’t matter who wins the election. The puppet masters are another level up and will benefit either way.

        Watch as Democrats become Republicans and vice-versa. Next thing you know republicans will be running an abortion rights campaign.

  6. If I wasn’t dirt poor, I’d subscribe to Starlink internet.
    Sadly, it cost almost twice what I currently pay.

    1. It does indeed Yeawell.
      But the way I look at it is simple>

      (Rents in Calgary are simply insane.)

      I moved out of my Small apartment costing me ~ 2300 All in to my RV.
      It was pretty much a wash.
      I bought a StarLink set up.
      No more need of TELUS at 85/mo for WiFi
      No need to “store” my RV at 70/mo.
      So really for me, its a wash.
      FY: Water/Sewer: No charge.
      Hydro only in Winter Months: Metered.

      By doing so, I’m Saving well over a $1200/mo.
      …& as a bonus, I can have a campfire anytime I like..!

      If I decide to move my RV elsewhere (thinking of BC: Osoyos or the Shushwap area), Far warmer in the Winter, & Monthly rates are significantly lower than Alberta for Full time RV’ing (2-300/mo. less), & will save me even more coin on a monthly basis. My StarLink will work ANYWHERE…

      ( I do however acknowledge the higher tax burden & Fuel costs in BC.). Still, it should be overall cheaper than living in Ab with -35C Temps in winter. Propane usage goes up in a BIG way here.

      Zero Regrets on that purchase

  7. The word “Physiognomy” comes to mind when looking at this judge’s hideous face.
