74 Replies to “August 30, 2024: Reader Tips”

    1. As long as you stay alive long enough you can get your money back – at dollars severely reduced in value by inflation. But they claim 8% yearly returns. There are liars, dam liars and the government.

  1. I definitely will watch this movie when I have time.
    I remember seeing it when I was about 10 years old when it first came out. I can still visualize the ” Animal” character in his long John’s.

    1. The last 15 minutes of Stalag 17 is really great – the POWS find out who is the real spy in their barracks. William Holden frequently clashed with director Billy Wilder because his character was so unlikeable.

  2. It wasn’t evil Israel that caused polio cases in Gaza but horrible mistakes by the World Health Organization in 2016…

    “Scientists who have been monitoring polio outbreaks said the baby’s illness showed the failures of a global effort by the World Health Organization and its partners to fix serious problems in their otherwise largely successful eradication campaign…”

    “The polio strain in question evolved from a weakened virus that was originally part of an oral vaccine credited with preventing millions of children worldwide from being paralyzed. But that virus was removed from the vaccine in 2016 in hopes of preventing vaccine-derived outbreaks.”

    “Public health authorities knew that decision would leave people unprotected against that particular strain, but they thought they had a plan to ward off and quickly contain any outbreaks. Instead, the move resulted in a surge of thousands of cases.”


    1. We were just speculating that it might be something like this.. Unfortunately, it is probably true of most food processors in the USA.

    2. Where does Boars Head go to get it’s reputation back and get to charge premium prices, going forward? It may not just be about migrants.
      I was not in Quality but I have some familiarity with it from a Purchasing POV. Quality requires rigor, competence, deducation and the ability to resist pressure. How many Quality Control people are DEI?

      1. How many Quality Control people are DEI..?
        It’s those who occupy pretty much EVERY HR Department in the country that are the issue.
        Just take a good look at LMIA & who gets hired and who doesn’t.

    3. Tyson Foods has been bringing in Somalis for decades to work in their plants.

      They seem to feel Muslims make the most enthusiastic butchers.

    4. This reminds me of the outbreak of disease found at the slaughter houses in Brooks, Alberta about 10 years ago. The company had hired many of their employees from Africa and even though signs were posted through-out the facilities for “Wash your hands after using the toilet”, the majority of employees did not do so. Even smalldeadanimals posted about the problem.

      At the time I was reminded of when I worked as relief housekeeper for the University of Alberta hospital in Edmonton for the summers when I was 16 and 17. Most of the housekeeping staff were from the Caribbean nations. The women would use the same rag/cloth to clean out the newborn bassinets as they did to clean out the toilets. I was NOT impressed. This was in 1968 and 1969. I know that the housekeepiing levels are still not great from my time spent in hospital in April 2018 and from an elderly friend’s time in hospital. On one of her visits, my sister actually asked for cleaning supplies and cleaned the bathroom for the 2 elderly patients as it was filthy. She complained to the nurse’s station and just received a shrug from the staff and “What do you want us to do about it?” comment.

    1. That’s encouraging.

      Also, anyone know for certain who built that huge stone building in the lead image?

  3. Everyone should continually work at being a more competent man.

    “The Competent Man

    A common theme in Heinlein’s writing is his frequent use of the “competent man”, a stock character who exhibits a very wide range of abilities and knowledge, making him a form of polymath. This trope was notably common in 1950s U.S. science fiction.[112] While Heinlein was not the first to use such a character type, the heroes and heroines of his fiction (with Jubal Harshaw being a prime example) generally have a wide range of abilities, and one of Heinlein’s characters, Lazarus Long, gives a wide summary of requirements:

    A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.
    — Robert Heinlein, Time Enough for Love”


    1. Their sisters wedding was today, where they were supposed to be groomsmen. Just horrible.

      It brings up a bad memory for me, I had a high speed head on collision happen right in front of me due to a wrong way driver on the interstate. They met at a peak in the road. According to my dash cam, he had exactly 1.9 seconds to impact.

      The victim was weeks away from getting married, and had just been the best man at his friend’s wedding.

      Drunk driving is never ok.

  4. Afghan refugees threaten online to decapitate all Germans who do not convert to Islam

    Muslim stabs his ex to death on the pavement in Berlin to restore his honour. He shouted repeatedly during the crime: ‘I have the right to do this!’

  5. ‘Our Allah will punish you all’: French company responsible for the costumes for the closing ceremony of the Olympic Games receives death threats

    France: Muslim wearing a djellaba attacks woman with a screwdriver because she took a seat next to him on the metro platform; perpetrator on the run
