23 Replies to “If Women Ran The World”

  1. I saw the name “Erick Erickson” in the first paragraph and made a decision that my time was better spent doing something else…anything else. My personal opinion of Erickson is that he will gladly alter his positions as the wind blows and the money flows. Every time someone like CNN removes a host, I guarantee you he’s making calls to see if there is an opening for him. That’s how he rolls.

  2. Hey you neo-naz* commie fascist far right conservatives… boy proud anti fa’s…. don’t you dare try Gary Hart me. Yes, yes, Clinton’s and Willie Brown, and yes I’d rather not you mention nannies but… TRUMP! The silent hypocrisy is deafining. Am I wrong?

  3. Kamala’s best legal work was the oral presentations she did for Willie Brown. A 25 year old girl banging a 60 year old guy to get appointed to a couple plum jobs? What’s wrong with that? It’s not like she banged the kid’s nanny.

  4. Mark Hemingway comes across as a lefty A$$hole who should write for PJM, he’d fit like a glove.

      1. He accuses Trump and brings NO evidence to support those accusations, so yes, on that note his is wrong. He is using the same tactics that caused me to investigate FOX back in the late 90T’s
        I call such tactics leftism by stealth, he uses positive assertions, sprinkled with negative comments about Trump, so lefties can say “even right wingers say”.

        1. GYM!!! I’m confused! Why aren’t you blaming the “katholic church???”
          You blame them for everything else.

    1. I’m convinced she went down on Biden … who was too decrepit to perform.

      … but he got a good hair-sniffing encounter

  5. Borrowed this from a comment section at GWP:


    It’s a long decline. Obama needed someone dumber than he was as VP so he wouldn’t be outclassed. His only choice was Joe.

    Joe needed the same. His only choice was Kamala.

    Kamala needs the same and picked Waltz.

    This is so bad.


    I LOL’d… 🙂

    (oh, and that link was a *really good read*. I bookmarked it…)

  6. Kamala’s only redeeming quality is as a role model for how young women should interact with older married men, they should promote that and call it girl power!
