11 Replies to “Let That Sink In”

  1. Just how deep are Media Matters’ pockets?

    Sure, it’s yet another Soros backed commie destroy-the-West front, but can Musk actually reach into the pocket of the funder for restitution if Musk wins?

    1. All Soros did was donate to a registered charity. Lol. Donors completely insulated.

      Media matters is presumably disposable. On to the next one.

      1. That’s what I was figuring, Bunny. I only questioned it because Musk was willing to keep pursuing the matter.

        I guess he has to curb stomp them to put the matter to rest.

        There is a bonus, I suppose. The fact that he’s willing to go “all the way” is a deterrent to others who would mess with X.

    2. About $11 million in net assets as of December 2021.

      And no, usually they can’t, unless there is a bunch of screw ups related to their paperwork, and evidence that the donor conspired with Media Matters in this matter.

  2. Media Matters is a propaganda arm of the DNC. That sounds like some petty exaggeration the likes of which you’ll find everyday on the internet, but in this case it’s actually true. Bill and Hillary Clinton were both instrumental in its creation, and it’s never waivered in its unrelentingly support for the Democrats and hatred of anything conservative.

  3. lies propagated at the rate of hundreds or thousands of repetitions every minute.
    l wd tend to characterize it as defamation.

  4. the expression on his face. unfazed. he’s got tricks up his sleeve, and the great purge included those inclined to be leaks. isnt that right past twitterites?

  5. Many folks’ death have been described as Arkencide. Have any of them been linked to people higher up on the social scale such as those in the legal industry?

  6. You do not want to be sued by Musk. He is very ruthless in court, not only does he sue the company, he also sues everybody personally involved in the companies decisions, from the board of directors all the way down. At worst even if they win in court they must personally shell out for personal legal defence. If you are going to court against Musk you had better show up with the most expensive lawyers you can afford, because his are really good. Just last month he and rumble owner bankrupted a media buying group which was boycotting X and Rumble.
    Good for them.

    1. If nothing else … the Discovery phase alone could be delicious. I wonder if Soros’s fingerprints and personal direction will be found all over Media Matters. HER fingerprints would be gleefully discovered as well. Go up the food chain, Musk!

      Thank God there are still a few billionaires on the side of Truth and Justice
