
Blacklock’s- Migrant Labour Is No Model

Employers should not rely on migrant labour as a business model, Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland said yesterday. Cabinet is restoring 2014 regulations introduced by then-Employment Minister Jason Kenney that limit foreign workers to 10 percent of payroll.

“At the end of the day, if you as a business think you need more we have some real concerns about your business model,” Freeland told reporters.

21 Replies to “Oop’s”

  1. Everyone is focusing on the wrong details. The TFW program is totally irrelevant when you have immigration levels so high. Think about it, we are importing upwards of a million third worlders into the country every single year. Do you think Canada needs anything like a “temporary foreign worker”? It’s absurd. So the Liberals are making this gesture as if it’s responsible or as if they are fixing something or tweaking something. In reality, their utterly destroyed immigration system has made the TFW program obsolete.

    As usual, we are all sitting around talking about the TFW program when we should be talking about reducing immigration levels by 95%. But that would be raycissss.

    1. Good point. However, the bigger issue may be that large energy companies are going direct to India or other countries for 100% of their engineering. I recently heard that a government subsidized battery plant was doing the same. Trudeau said there would be high paying Canadian jobs. Maybe he’s going to give the offshore engineers Canadian citizenship, otherwise 100% of their taxes and expenditures will stay offshore and the number of smart young Canadians enrolled in engineering will drop off a cliff. Just sayin!

  2. Freeland and the brainless Turd are kind of like Kommie-la. Everything they used to believe in must be discarded. The only difference is the Turd wants to improve the polls enough to stay on, and the Kommie wants to be elected now that Biden has already been dumped.

  3. Typical Liberal verbal ASS kissing of voters….
    Any Bets LMIA will turfed..??
    Asylum seekers receive ~ $82,000/annually in benefits….Think about that when the avg. annual wage in Canada is ~ 64k.

    Canadians are being Financially RAPED by this Liberal Govt.

    Tim’s and every other Fast Food outlet will remain off limits to Canadian Teenagers…that much is a foregone conclusion IMO.

    1. “Asylum seekers receive ~ $82,000/annually in benefits”

      And they likely pay $2 or 3 thousand dollars in tax. One of the reasons GDP per capita is $55,000US compared to $85,000US in the United States. Canada is becoming a true shithole nation. Immigration has devalued labour to the point of stupidity.

      1. Interesting stat … do you have a reference for it? I’d love to quote the source material. Thanks

  4. OOP’S what? What is it that belongs to OOP? Did some of the heading disappear? Does no one know how to correctly use an apostrophe?

  5. 10% of payroll was and will be the limit of foreign workers?

    A 10% unemployment rate among Canadians is acceptable to all of our rulers?

    I did not know that.

    Of course a straight line comparison would have inaccuracies, but those ten out of a hundred workers are enough to keep wages down, potential Canadian workers sidelined forever, and low productivity businesses going without any investment that raises our standard of living.

    1. Wages and job opportunities won’t increase just because foreign workers are barred. Tim’s and A&W will just shut down stores.

  6. Even the Liberals can change policy if their hold on power is in jeopardy.

    But one gets the feeling that the good of Canadians is a distant concern.

  7. “Cabinet is restoring 2014 regulations introduced by then-Employment Minister Jason Kenney that limit foreign workers to 10 percent of payroll.”

    So I presume this is one of the things instituted by the Harper government and subsequently repealed by Trudeau when he was elected.

    One of many Conservative good things undone by the Liberals, out of spite. And now we’re paying for the arrogance.

    1. Where does the 10% figure come from? Why not 7% or 15% or 11.75%? By what process should this threshold be calculated?

    2. Liberals are spiteful and they despise most canadians, true.

      But how was this business subsidy a good policy when its first direct effect is to lower wages of all canadians?

      Exploiting people whether they’re average canadians or dark skinned foreigners earns politicians high praise in canada, the leftist radicals love this because they make great profits at the same time, but it doesn’t actually do anything to make life better for people.

  8. I’m old enough to remember when the 2014 regulation was considered racist, along with anybody who supported it and their business models.

    Times are a-changin’.

    1. Ya like TFW means anything but whiteye.
      Y’all’s gotta come frim somewhereville

  9. Picking cotton comes to mind?.. Stupid Americans should have run minimum wage job fairs in Africa.. Come on over and make 5 cents an hour.. Call a immigration lawyer :).. Take the temporary out of worker..
