Show Me The Man

Andrey Mir;

Telegram is not just a popular text messaging app; it is an ecosystem that also includes news and expert channels, photo and video sharing, and online communities of all kinds—from local to professional to hobbyist. The app offers encrypted communication that is impossible to crack. The feature seems to be attractive to criminals and terrorists. But regular people—almost 1 billion of them around the world—also enjoy Telegram. To compare: X/Twitter has about 340 million monthly users. Telegram is used by 45% of online users in India, almost 40% in Brazil, 34% in Mexico, and so on.

There is one more specific category of users that particularly values encrypted messaging: political dissidents and protesters. Telegram played a significant role in the 2017-2018 Iranian protests, as more than half of the population there uses the app. The 2020-2021 anti-Lukashenko protests in Belarus were even labeled the “Telegram Revolution,” mirroring the “Twitter revolutions” of 2009-2011.

But there is also another big player in the field: the state. The state wants to know what criminals and terrorists are doing, but also what protesters and regular folks are up to. And so do corporations. As the latest memes go, “Mark Zuckerberg sells people’s personal information, and he is a free man. Pavel Durov doesn’t, and he is in the jail.”

29 Replies to “Show Me The Man”

  1. From John Matze (former CEO of Parler) about the Telegram issue.

    Fresh off the press. Privacy is a basic human right, not just in the US constitution but also the UN charter article 12. Encryption is a part of that. Compelling telegram CEO to compromise that privacy via threat of prison with less than 10% of France using Telegram is against our basic human rights.

    1. The UN reference should be: (see article 12)
      “No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks.”

      As with the Canadian charter, the text here is very “flexible”, meaning the the state can put any meaning they want into the word “arbitrary” (or, correspondingly, “reasonable” in the Canadian charter).
      So, in effect, it means nothing.

          1. Not planning to, VOWG.

            With luck, I’ll die peacefully in my sleep… while crossing a long, very high bridge with two federal employees as my uber passengers.

  2. Zuckerberg should be languishing in a Cell with Leg irons on 24-7 given his admission.
    But he wont…ever, the “combine” will give him a nod n a wink…and it’ll be business as usual.
    Bet on it.

    The coming US election could very well decide the fate of Billions of Euro Centric’s planet wide.
    Should the Criminal Filth currently in Power manage to once again corrupt the voting process and steal another election..?? All bets are off the Table.
    2A may well come into play…in a BIG WAY

    1. I agree with your assessment but what about a 2A?
      Reread it. I got it. Let’s hot not. Peace please.

      1. agreed.
        how many times in history did 2A stuff go sideways then backwards.
        french reign of terror 2024 version anyone?
        1917 gave us Stalin right fromn the start, no one knew it but him however.
        l understand Mehico had some similar rough patches
        regarding who took over after theirs.
        if it goes 2A this time with drones and a chicken in every pot sitting beside that firearm in every shirt drawer.
        naw, lm gonna sit it out after attempting to cultivate a small like minded group.

        never trust anyone about money.

      2. While I too yearn for a peacible solution, for those who flagrantly disrespect and disregard the rule of law wilk only understand the consequences of their actions hanging upside down from a hydro pole, Ala Mussolini

    2. Lara Logan says Huaiwe(sp?) carries the files of Dominion Voting.

  3. There is something more to this than what we’re seeing on the surface. At first, I thought that Durov was this election season’s Sam Bankman-Fried. We’d find out he was donating to Democrats and French liberals way above the legal amounts and they shut him down to control the issue before accusations from the opposition could materialize publicly. Then the issue of certain notable politicians using Telegram as a back door communication device to avoid the pesky Freedom of Information Act Requests (and they did do that, make no mistake). Now, I think the primary focus isn’t terrorism or anything like that. I think the motivation is likely crypto currency and the anonymity attached which screws up the controlling aspect of our “wonderful” leaders (known and unknown).

    1. So Telegram is where we’ll find the Turd’s instructions to the rcmp, to the coutt’s prosecutors, Ottawa’s mayor, the nazi flag guy, etc. etc.? to the bank of canada, to the statscan dept, to the anti-jew protesters, the college/uni presidents, etc. etc?
      Where “the big guy” talks to his brother, his son hunter, the fed, the labor dept stats, cheyena, ukraine, etc, etc??
      I can believe it all, and more.

  4. Yes, this is important. The biggest, most out of it, lefty nerd in my group at work mentioned this to me and he was “very concerned” about his arrest. Not the first normie to do so. I think the US government has neutered TikTok and now they are neutering Telegram. They will be back for X, make no mistake about it.

  5. In the news reports on this event, there is little focus on terrorists or similar using it, the news reports are focused on “false news” or dissidents from what the entrenched news outlet’s choose to report.
    The CTV in Canada reports on the X/Twitter fiasco in Brazil always with Elon Musk having been insulting in his responses to Brazil’s law makers. As though Elon having not bowed to his inquisitors, and showing due respect, is the actual problem here. Is there a “kissing the ring” that was missed here?

    This MSM doesn’t want to see their empire collapse. The MSM are fully dependent upon their side winning this fight, yet if they win, there will be actual losers as well, including a “free press” and what that once meant.
    “All the news that fits” will become for all, “all the news that’s fit” … only more so.
    Andry Mir’s comment seems a breath of truth to what’s been reported.

  6. The thing that really stinks is that Durov was only in France because Macron invited him to a meeting.

  7. Zuckerberg and Musk should be talking and jointly shut down all of their platforms until Pavlov is released.

  8. You know maybe this guy should ask his company to do a deep dive on some French/EU politicians’ communications on that platform. Not to blackmail them, of course. Maybe just to convince them there is a better solution to this situation and that the whole thing is a misunderstanding…

    1. He can’t. That’s the whole point of Telegram and similar apps; the service can’t comply with a disclosure request from anybody because the encryption is done on the device. By the time the messages reach the Telegram servers they’re already wrapped in unbreakable encryption.

  9. I’ll go with Benz’s take that the US deep state in concert with Macron is after all the Telegram goods on Russia for two reasons: One, to assist with the delusional necon obsession with dismantling the Russian Federation, and Two, so the French can push back against Russia’s displacement of France in securing African resources.

  10. Any platform that provides encrypted communication by members of … “the Far Right” … must be destroyed. Right?

    Any platform that allows “Far Right” British citizens to gather in protest against little girls getting stabbed … must be destroyed. Right?

    Any platform that allows Yellow Vest protesters to run amok throughout France … must be destroyed. Right?

    Any platform that allows anti-immigration sentiment to foment across Europe … must be destroyed. Right?


  11. Euroweenies got their panties in a twist after Brexit. God forbid we should have “Fraexit”…”Germexit” yada yada yada, musn’t disrupt the new world order dontcha know.
    Look what they’ve done to Marine LePenne….look what Germany is doing to right wing political parties.
    NATO is the hidden hand.

  12. Telegram is the 4th most popular messaging app, with almost a billion users.
    If the trend over the last year is allowed to continue, it will take the #3 position from Facebook Messenger before the end of this year.
    As its so well encrypted that govts cannot access people’s private communications, its popularity has frightened our owners.

  13. Brazil’s Supreme Court nutcase Alexandre de Moraes has banned the access of X/Twitter across Brazil until it complies with his wishes/demands.
    Brazilian citizens using a VPN to sidestep this prohibition will be faced with fines of more than $8000 per day

    The US Embassy in Brazil is “monitoring the situation”
    The NFL has a game scheduled for 6 September with Philadelphia and Green Bay in São Paulo Corinthians Arena, will the NFL decide free speech isn’t all that important?

    Denmark is banning Telegram and Signal as their end to end encryption is against their rules as well…
    Remember how we all said we support Danish products during the 2006 Mohammad drawings fiasco? how we’ll support the Dane’s right to freedom?

    I’d expect more countries to follow and which are actively investigating this, including the freedom loving #Libranos in tier 2 Canada, Indonesia, India, Germany, Turkey…

  14. You have no privacy :).. The moment they could spy on everything they did.. I would put it around 2008 or so..

    The sad part of the tale is your rights stem directly from the governments ability to take them away.. You never really had any.. The printing press gave us free speech.. The logistics of stopping that were not possible.. So rather than admit weakness they gave us free speech.. How big of them..

    Now that print is dying.. So is free speech.. How small of them.. Understand?..
