8 Replies to “Bavarian Manure Wagon”

  1. You have to admit…the EV deluge is entertaining. In S. Korea a Mercedes EV burst into flames leading to that country banning EV’s from parking garages. At the same time a few articles pop up stating that the Chinese made Dolphin is safer and less likely to catch fire than a Tesla. But, there are whole Youtube channels devoted to cataloging all the EV car fires in China (which are plentiful). These video channels are constantly getting demonetized and taken down due to Chinese government pressure on Youtube. On top of all that, just about every article you can find on cell battery EV car fires attributes the “phenomenon” to a damaged battery from a crash, and not the fact that they are defective or unsafe from the onset.

    Incidentally, on that Mercedes fire in S. Korea, Mercedes originally refused to reveal who manufacturers their batteries for the EV’s. They eventually capitulated and admitted that the batteries are made in China.

    Now that’s entertainment.

  2. The average EV battery has (drum roll please…)

    Cylindrical cells: Used in many EVs, including Tesla models, these cells have a higher number of cells, typically ranging from 100 to over 300 cells.
    Pouch cells: Used in some EVs, including those with smaller batteries, these cells have a lower number of cells, typically ranging from 200 to 300 cells.
    Prismatic cells: Used in some EVs, these cells have an even lower number of cells, typically ranging from a few hundred cells.

    Now imagine a “good enough” attitude to battery construction with that many potential points of failure, either in manufacture of the individual cells or in their connections. It is a wonder that there aren’t more accidents with EV batteries. By the way, your average ICE car battery, in contrast, has 6 cells, not hundreds – a much lower number of points of failure.

    1. From Rivian forum:
      “In two years of pre-production show and tell events every Rivian employee talked about this being the 7777th battery (in the flashlight) and identical to the 7776 in the truck’s battery packs.
      This video was informative as well as amusing (to me at any rate.)

  3. no need for alarm. its a developing technology, lots and lots of ‘wrinkles’ stll.
    just run over the wrinkles with a paving machine.
    in fact run over the EVs with a A380 or such.
    lm feeling particularly sarcastic today.
