11 Replies to ““despite having “no experience” in policing.””

  1. “calling all yes-men”
    zeeeero deniability guys.
    meh. she just gonna have an all female police farce, er, serv……ants?
    aka Boss ‘Hogg’ aaaaaaand she sure lOOks the part.

  2. Good. After assorted gangs loot the town, including storming houses, looting stores and molesting the inhabitants, the survivors will learn that voting for morons has consequences. Her town can then join Minneapolis, Chicago, Detroit and Portland, Seattle and do like Los Angeles: replace them with homeless.

  3. If the mayor immediately wrote a cheque to each person who paid taxes last year for the cost to taxpayers to employ the cops, she’s a legend. However, monkeys are more likely to fly out of her butt and she’ll ruin a very good thing.
