13 Replies to “Fake Election 2024”

  1. The idiot Democrats could have just had regular primary elections and chosen Robert Kennedy who likely would have won the election. He is a lefty but independents and Republicans would have fallen over themselves to vote for him. It’s amazing how people who call themselves democrats have manipulated the selection of their candidate for the last three elections.

    1. The way the Dims at the top see it, their voters are too stupid to pick the right candidate. So, they have to make sure the candidate the Powers That Be behind the scenes want on the ballot becomes the candidate.

      1. Make no mistake, The Deep State is running our elections and our ballots. They run the media, they censor the media, they … evidently … select the candidates. Pliable, empty shells of candidates.

        The Deep State must be completely dismantled if America is to survive as a Nation BY The People, and FOR The People.

    2. RFK has too many enemies within the establishment, as he is a fierce critic of the food, medical, and pharmaceutical industries.

      1. I.M.
        Plus Kennedy knows the CIA was behind the killing of his father and uncle.
        So his is not CIA approved.

  2. Ben Shapiro has also a very good analysis 🙂 She was an absolute disaster, voters must have advanced TDS to vote for such a stupid empty no character person. 2 in the room helping her and she still tanked.
    Tightly choreographed, taped (not live) and she still slipped pearls like “…deadlines around time…” 🙂
    A typical product of today’s world: oh so accomplished, she did law, was prosecutor. Still, she went a head we all know how. Omg so much experience and expertise yet she knows nothing she did nothing as VP and has no values whatsoever. But she knows how to speak without saying anything.
    Probably she was the only one in DNC stupid enough to believe she stands a chance against Trump after the assassination attempt? Or maybe she hopes for other attempt(s) on Trump’s life with better results? Or maybe she hopes for Fraud 3.0?
    Regardless, she’s as bad as Trudeau: low IQ, liar and no character.

  3. She said: “My values haven’t changed”

    Truth, one little nugget of truth in a sea of lies.

    She has the same values now as she had when she was on her knees pleasuring Willie Brown.

  4. No way the democrats could have looked over the lackluster WOC Kamala and not looked like pandering hypocrites.. A diversity hire bubbles to the top.. And she may win because team blue doesn’t care about policy or substance.. Only winning..

    Beat Trump and then go back to bed for 4 years.. Team blue!!!

  5. I expected nothing more from Kamala Harris, who really is a dimwit. No surprise at all (why do you think they have been hiding her form the press?).

    I was instead angered by Dana Bash who had gone after JD Vance like a barracuda but sat there and lobbed softball multiple choice questions at Harris (in typical CNN fashion)…and where is the rest of the supposedly hour-long interview?

    I say again: there won’t be a debate. The Harris camp will find some reason to bail. They HAVE TO, now.

  6. Some commenter described her style as that of a student that is having to give a book review on a book she hadn’t read and she just stumbles along making stuff up. As pathetic as this is accurate, she has the machinery of the deep state blob behind her and she could very well “win” in November. It’s as if a bunch of frat boys put up the “class mattress” to run for class president as a joke and she won. It all has a Clintonesque ring to it.

    Just as she performed services for Willy Brown and those of importance to him, she must be seen as a reliable conduit for delivery of presidential actions chosen for her by the blob.

    1. “Some commenter described her style as that of a student that is having to give a book review on a book she hadn’t read and she just stumbles along making stuff up”

      I saw that. The Tom Sawyer stuff was hilarious.
