14 Replies to “Gradually, Then Suddenly”

  1. If and when the Conservatives take over , they will be handed this little time bomb and will be given the blame as well by the lemmings and low IQ voters of this country alone with the government workers. The hue and cry will go out by Mr Chantal Hebert, “ See this is why we don’t elect Conservatives, they are poor financial planners. Save us oh Liberals.” A non confidence vote ensues and the country is now coddled in the safe arms of the caring LPC. Done and dusted.

    1. “The hue and cry will go out by Mr Chantal Hebert, “ See this is why we don’t elect Conservatives, they are poor financial planners. Save us oh Liberals.”

      Ironically, this is the very same thing that has *always* happened in Canada, back as far as I can remember. The Liberals, (aka the Natural Governing Party), would invariably screw up the economy to the point where Canadians (who are hardcore socialists at heart) hold their noses and vote ‘Conservative’. Those ‘Conservatives’ would take office, undo a few *minor* Liberal actions/policies, make some budget cuts and get the economy back on track. As soon as they did this, though, they were doomed: Canadians, angered by the minor budget cuts that removed some of their perks and buoyed by the improving economy, would then turn around and RE-ELECT the Liberals. The Liberals would then use the next ten years or so to spend us (back) into the poorhouse, until things once again got so bad that Canadians would kick them out and re-elect the ‘Conservatives’ to save them. Rinse and repeat.

      In the past, though, this meant electing the ‘Progressive’ Conservative Party (aka the Liberal Lite Party), so it wasn’t that much of a stretch for most people…but once the real conservatives had had enough and replaced the ‘Progressives’ with a more actually conservative alternative, all hell broke loose: the Canadian news media and the Laurentian elites, who had tolerated the PC’s because they were really no threat to the status quo, were FURIOUS at this new development and vowed to do everything in their power to destroy it. Aided in this by the remnants of the ‘Progressive’ Conservative Party, they proceeded to do just that.

      Thus were born the People’s Party of Canada and a couple of regional Alberta political parties. They are also doomed…because, well, most Canadians SEEM TO BE IDIOTS when it comes to their political views; they will ignore the evidence of their own eyes and completely forget all past experiences whenever a slick-talking Liberal promises them ‘a chicken in every pot’ (or whatever else they want to hear at the time).

      So disheartening. 🙁

      1. They have been doing this since I was a kid so the script is easy to predict. Wash, rinse and repeat. The CBC and now we find out all of the other “news” outlets are complicit in the deception. Before it was because they were politically on board, now we know that they are financially in bed with the LPC as well. I am not sure if Canadians are naturally infantile children that need to be coddled or just not that intelligent or self reliant. Either way the deed is done and somehow I think that we have passed the Rubicon and there will be no going back after that.

  2. Not to worry. All those “good paying Green New Deal jobs” will increase our GDP and cover the debt. Right? Isn’t that the Democrats plan?

    Oh … wait … those jobs aren’t really productive. They’re all destructive government admin. jobs that are dedicated to dismantling our fossil fuel economy at every level and every industry. Our GDP will crater … hence ushering in our new American era of Communism.

  3. That graph appears to show the US is spending less now to service the debt, relative to GDP, than it was through the eighties and part of the nineties? Am I interpreting that correctly? If so it doesn’t sound very dire.

    1. You are correct but it is the trend that is worrisome – the trajectory if uncorrected. It really means the government will have to cut spending because interest payments are increasingly unsustainable. Things are going to get ugly in 2025 regardless of who runs the government. In Canada it was the Liberals who corrected this problem in the 1990s by off-loading most of the spending to the provinces which then had to cut spending. I think health-care was a major one. The graph looks like the start of a roller coaster. First you get high and then you come down fast.

      Hence – you are here.

  4. Not even.. Lets smash our economy and rebuild it with subsidized zero carbon delusions.. We call this growth..
    We just need a billion Canadians to balance the books.. Its not going to end well..

    1. All “Net Zero” means is that the manufacture of things will be done elsewhere, where they don’t have the same delusions of Justin Trudeau.

  5. Bastards. Cash savings for little things like retirement are worth less and less each day.

    The purchasing power of your 401k’s, RRSP’s, your bank account, etc. has already been cut in half over these past few years…

    You can’t hate these people enough.

    1. Tell me about it. Been working on my own stuff for 20 years now and hope it will get me through to death.

  6. Socialists play, leaving conservatives to pay to clean up the mess. Rinse and repeat. Low infotmation and lazy, grifter voters. No real help from the media either; one wonders why.

  7. The “good fiscal management” of Chretien-Martin in the early 1990s (see the plunge in the graph) was them stealing the reserves from CPP and UI, leaving both as unfunded liabilities — actually fed debt that didn’t show up on the books. That Ponzi scheme kept interest payments low until Harper, having to address infrastructure (including a starved military) deterioration without bringing on defeat for his minority government, borrowed heavily as fiscal conservatives do reasonably expecting that their policies will bring about surpluses. Predictably, the establishment went ape-chit and manipulated the election of man-child Castro Jr.
    Oh, Canada!
