Saturday On Turtle Island

Queen Kamala’s America:  Her first interview.  The trans medical scandal.  Walz struggles with grammar and lies.  Kween Kamala is still dodging democratic scrutiny.  Kamala’s pastor.

Blackie’s Canada:  Don’t upset the Drag Queens.  Celebrating Hamas in Canada.  The unmarked graves saga continues.

Today In Islam:  Turkey vs Greek Christians.  The Palestinian delusion.  Paul Joseph Watson – You may have seen this coming.

23 Replies to “Saturday On Turtle Island”

  1. A First Nation in Manitoba said it has discovered “[an] indication of much wampum”

    1. ”… human remains detection dogs …”

      Detecting human remains from the 1920’s and earlier? Really!? I’m a believer in dogs acute smell and tracking abilities … but come on now. So the Tribe couldn’t even afford GPR … so they started with the dogs, and will then “upgrade” to GPR? As has been noted here often, shovels are on sale at CN Tire.

      I have to admire the brilliance of this tactic. They’ve invented a whole new layer of subterfuge by dragging out the unproven narrative even further. Now they have another “dramatic” step in the evidence-lacking narrative. More articles written about the shocking “discoveries”. Brilliant … as they’ve discovered nothing.

      1. A massive overreaction to scant evidence. Caution and skepticism are thrown to the wind in the interests of shocking sound bites.

      2. Kenji – dogs can be trained to detect much older bones that have been buried for decades – long past the time that the flesh has disappeared. They’re amazing!
        They are far better than the ”Wampum” detectors in use presently by the so called First Nasiens, eh!

    1. Chuckled when Megyn was ‘complimenting’ Dana on being a ‘nice person’ and a ‘real journalist’, while simultaneously running her into the ground for being 50% of two incompetents.

      1. I fear for Megyn Kelly’s safety. I don’t know if calling Walz , Kamala’s emotional support governor originated with Megyn, but she topped it by calling him Kamala’s big white blankie. Then she went on to heap ridicule on the demeanor of the participants and the lack of substance. It was clear Kam was coached, so we were spared the cackle but what was left went flat. The dog that didn’t bark, were the obvious questions. They supposedly sat down for an hour and had a 20 minute end product. Was the rest so bad it had to be edited out.

      2. For her part, Kelly only pointed out the obvious, and that is, that Kamala is utterly lacking in the necessary skill stack.
        I got to thinking how can she (Kamala) not know that she is in way, way over her head.

        1. “I got to thinking how can she (Kamala) not know that she is in way, way over her head.”

          Ego….delusion….fostered by parents who probably, ad nauseum, told her how ‘special’ she was as a child?

  2. Harris and Walz are the Best&Brightest the Democrat Party has to offer. They are perfectly representative of every Democrat I know. They embody the current Democrat Party ethos in terms of character and intellect .

    1. But, but, but … the Democrats all share Kameladeda’s … values … the values she hasn’t changed. Like her values determined to save the planet from fossil fuel use.

  3. Unmarked graves?? Are there even more than a few marked Indian graves from the era? I realize that Indians might have limitations in the area of physical work but somebody give these jackasses a shovel.

    1. First step is to ask the tribe about how their marked their graves in the time before the white man came to convert them to christianity. Second ask why the tribe didn’t bother with the upkeep of the graves, including replacing the grave markers when they degraded. (hint, they didn’t care)

      Then ask the government when the RCMP is going to take over and do a proper investigation of the alleged graves, since there are claims that crimes occurred.

      1. Why hasn’t the RCMP taken over? They don’t need permission to investigate murder, much less mass murder. In my experience the RCMP are so damn lazy they investigate next to nothing that involves work.
