20 Replies to “So Noted”

      1. Keep beating that dead horse, it won’t make a difference.
        Canadians WILL NOT fight for their freedom, because they don’t want to be free.

          1. yeahwell, would be speaking from observation much like myself. I have watched this country and it’s people on the downhill slide for decades now. Too much socialism and too much government to ever be considered a free people.

  1. Broke “glass ceilings”? What a nonsensical, invented term that means NOTHING. No woman in my lifetime hasn’t had the opportunity to soar to whatever heights they sought. However … competency … is (hopefully) still required.

    And no … Drag Queen Story Hour isn’t a vocational aspiration for anyone except a freaky weirdo … with dangerous ulterior motives.

    1. Not just competency, also the drive to focus on a single goal to the exclusion of everything else.

  2. Sorry NO. Competency is no longer required in the DEI world. Actually hasn’t been for quite some time. We do need to fight the good fight and get it back.

  3. We could use some roving bands of real men bent on tuning up these “men” who pretend to be women, and who mock women…you know, they mock your mother, sister, wife, daughter, and all the other real females that are being mocked and worse.

  4. Sadly, I know lots of biological women in the SF Bay Area who will support these trans female-poseurs come hell or high water!

    1. When you are a mentally ill lefty, Normies all look weird. They are not, they are the normal ones. It is you who is the weird one … you and all the white, leftist women who are destroying their own brand … toss in a truck load of beta male clowns and you have the current USA.

  5. I do not think that all this tranzy faggotry is selling as briskly as it has been.
    We looked under the carpet and saw a lot of mental illness and a dire threat to children. Also men beating up women in womens sports is not being received very graciously.
    Need I say more?

    1. “I do not think that all this tranzy faggotry is selling as briskly as it has been.
      We looked under the carpet and saw a lot of mental illness and a dire threat to children. Also men beating up women in womens sports is not being received very graciously.
      Need I say more?”

      Nope, you’re right. Wokeness, DEI and the ‘transsexual’ delusion are all fading fast. It was all well and good before profits began to suffer and children started being harmed, but it’s time to get serious now.

  6. Elle is probably by the same goofs that do ET for CTV. ET has Bozo the Clown’s ugly brother pretending he is XX.

  7. Wait, there’s an “Elle Canada?”
    Who knew?
    Probably only exists on subsidies.

    1. They once had F. Scott FitzGerald as guest editor. They put that issue out under the title “Elle Scott FitzGerald”.
