Take That Putin!

Spiked- Does the US need to ‘queer’ its nuclear arsenal?

According to Nair and her co-author, ‘diversity and inclusion’ are ‘especially important’ for nuclear policy. Apparently, ‘discrimination against queer people’ can ‘undermine nuclear security’ and increase the risk of nuclear war. They also lambast the nuclear-security community for being largely ‘cis-heteronormative’ – for those not up on the queer vocabulary, that means filled with straight men who identify with their birth sex.

31 Replies to “Take That Putin!”

  1. Some organization is willing to give money, pay, people to come up with this crap. That’s even more offensive than the crap they come up with.

    1. I think this and stories like this are meant to divert attention away from the fact the US gubmint shot their past and next President in the face and are fixing to cheat an election like nobody’s business.

      Democrats created the conditions, created the college courses, taught the course, created the “Office of” and hired the graduate activist they created to “Queer” everything.
      Democrat voters will never hear this story while it diverts the attention for everybody that follows current events that would never vote Democrat.

    1. On what planet?

      Pump out endless propaganda dehumanizing your neighbors
      Level entire cities
      Kidnap children (war crime)
      Kill political opponents

      You probably have a positive view of Hitler as well.

      1. Agreed. Cheering for Putin is like applauding the monsters shoving people into gas chambers in the early 1940s.

        1. cghCOLON
          So yer calling Stoltenberg, the SG Joo of NATO, a liar. He claimed that they (NATO) have been at war with Russia since 2014. Yer so stupid you maybe an engineer or enginqueer, maybe even with a PHD.

      2. No, the positive view of Hitler is held by your Azov and Banderite buddies in Ukraine.

        Hope they are at least paying you in USD and not Hryvnia to post this Ukro-Nazi bs.

      1. Does the Rada in Ukraine pay you for your pro-Nazi bot work, or are you paid by Azov funds? Might want to make sure they pay USD and not Hryvnia, though.

        1. Ugh, the money goes the other way. I don’t take any money from Ukraine. I donate to Ukrainian struggle. They do God’s work.

  2. I am so tired of queers. I wish they would all go back into the closet where they belong.

  3. This is just embarrassing.

    The US military, once the most powerful and feared in the world, is an international laughingstock now. The Iranians and their lapdogs the Houthis are openly sneering at them, and if China wasn’t currently in the midst of an economic meltdown they would be making their move on Taiwan already.

    1. The problem with your second theory, is that war with Taiwan would probably help the economy of West Taiwan in the short term, and help deal with certain population imbalances that they suffer from.

  4. EWEKRAINE just got 6 F-16’s, and now have only 3 left:-)))))
    Dem patriot missiles work real good, even on F-16’s

  5. What does this have to do with Pootin? Or is it that you just feel the need to confess your loyalty yet again?

  6. The reason that delusional people sleep safely through the night is because sane good men are prepared to do evil in the night to keep them safe

  7. You mean that it’s not enough that “strange” particles/matter is an important part of nuclear physics, but now we have to find “queer” particles as well?


  8. Joe Biden insists that the LGBTQueers + God knows what … ARE … civilization. And Putin represents uncivilized cisgendered normality. How DARE Putin insist that men are born … men, and women – women. How utterly uncivilized and backward of the crazy man!

    Now … on to the GOOD NEWS! The Biden Admin. is … civilizing … our nuclear Arsenal. Hence forward … any weapon or delivery system designed and fabricated by men who sleep (and do sex things) with women wil be unilaterally destroyed. Our luggage thief in residency has designed softer, more joyful nuclear weapons … the kind of weapons that every … + … will approve of. How … forward thinking. How proooooh gressive.
