There’s No Business Case For LNG Exports

Bloomberg, with nifty graphics.

Every six hours, somewhere in the world, a shipment of liquefied natural gas controlled by a Japanese company leaves a port. The vessels — giant, floating thermoses that keep the fuel super-chilled — cross the globe, destined for pipelines in energy-hungry countries in every hemisphere.

These tankers, which handle a quarter of all LNG shipments, are only the tip of Japan’s increasingly dominant gas empire. With the enthusiastic backing of the government, corporate Japan now offers a complete package for countries looking to replace aging, and near-unfinanceable, coal power stations with gas: Its engineering firms will provide technology and parts, its utilities some fuel, and the banks will offer financing.

15 Replies to “There’s No Business Case For LNG Exports”

  1. Those ships never cease to amaze me at least from an engineering standpoint…you have to know not everyone was cutting classes and doing bong hits while attending college.
    Just an observation.
    Carry on.

    1. Hey! That’s their medicine ma’aaaan … they need it to even-out and whatnot. Better be careful mocking some people’s “medicine” … cause your country will soon be labeling that hate misinformation or something …

  2. There is no case because Justin Trudeau is a nihilist who doesn’t believe in growth if it violates his lunatic climate beliefs.

  3. Clean natural gas (remember that) in all its forms, is the energy super power.. Then it got zero carboned in the rear end.. The politics of energy will be the end of us..

    IMO nuclear energy is the original cold war economic boondoggle.. It never breaks even.. A national pride showpiece that writes its own checks.. Any privately owned reactors up and running? Turning a profit?..

    That would be no.. All in, what’s the real cost of running these things?..

    1. Nuclear power exists in those places which have no other choice. Try to keep concealed your stunning ignorance of electricity economics.

  4. There are too many people in the cabinet who are NOT qualified for their positions. Prime Minister Trudeau is a trust fund baby and Chrystia Freeland has no understanding of economics and how real life works or how to live on a budget. For heaven’s sake, her husband is a journalist who lives in New York City. I realize that NYC is actually NOT that far from Ottawa by air, but who amongst regular people can afford to fly every weekend to visit their spouse?
    As well, I have a very LOW opinion of civil servants – whether they are municipal, provincial or federal. I truly think the civil service is a very well paid “make work” program for “less than special” people.

  5. Japan “ignored climate critics” is of course how they characterize Japan’s rational adult approach to meeting market demands.

    ‘Climate critics’ would apparently be happy to exchange their climate controlled offices for the luxury of burning a few sticks for warmth and cooking, so “journalists” should explore that outcome with questions for the ‘climate critics’ before writing stupid headlines…

    Wealthy ‘climate critics’ figure they’re only assigning that fate to other people, so they don’t care, but even though they’re all in the top 1% of wealth, the most radical and powerful are the super wealthy, the bell could toll for thee if they get their wish to cripple the energy supply…

  6. hmm. Japanese – Yup
    They were the ones Involved with Canada LNG in Kitimat.
    Was up there for bout 3.5 months last yr Inspecting Closure welds on the mods….Mods built in China btw.
    Fluor – Prime Contractor
    Coastal Link Pipeline
    Massive project and what’s there is only phase 1
    Current capacity: 1 ship every 2 Days: Est Value per ship load” $ 300M

    That Treasonous NAZI PIG in Ottawa, has refused to allow Canadian suppliers to sell our potential LNG to pretty much all comers…It’s what happens when the leader of ones country is BOUGHT n PAID for…

  7. I admire Japan, Islam and its followers not allowed, Toyota, the biggest car maker in the world analyzed and concluded that full electric cars have no future. Now they got into LNG without econazi idiots in the way.
    Japan is one of the few democracies that hasn’t gone left wing woke mad.

    1. Agreed.
      The Japs don’t let inferiors emigrate there which is just about everybody on the planet.
      Is it a cultural thing?
      Is it racist?
      Are they right?
      Sure, they have that age time bomb thing happening, but that’s why they automate stuff.
      And machines don’t act like Mandingo or Paleosimians.
      Its one of the safest countries in the world for a reason.

    2. Japan is also a homogeneous country, (98.5 % of the population are Japanese and unless you were born of Japanese parents, IN Japan, you are not Japanese).

      They do have a demographic problem, though, not enough new Japanese to replace the elderly, that are dying off..

  8. Japan is not only a land of temples and shrines … but also mosques. The latter is due to a sharp rise in marriages between Muslims and Japanese citizens and Japanese converts over two decades that has seen a seven-fold increase in the number of mosques.

    Hirofumi Tanada, professor emeritus of sociology at Waseda University in Tokyo, reckons that Japan is now home to more than 200,000 Muslims.,for%20Islamic%20Studies%20in%20Japan.
