Today In The Vote Rich Rapey-Beheader Community

Doing the Jew hatin’ that Canadians won’t do.

More than 200 Gazans have arrived in Canada under a special temporary residency program launched in January, according to Immigration Refugees and Citizenship Canada.

“As of August 24, 2024, 209 people have arrived in Canada under the temporary public policy,” wrote IRCC spokesman Jeffrey MacDonald in an email to the National Post.

This is a four-fold increase in arrivals since late May, when the program’s cap was expanded from 1,000 to 5,000 visas. At the time, officials said that 41 displaced Gazans had arrived in Canada, receiving visas under both the new policy and a pre-existing one.

Not to say they won’t have community support.

15 Replies to “Today In The Vote Rich Rapey-Beheader Community”

  1. Hamas leadership would appear to need an escape route…

    Top dog named leaders wouldn’t be able to use it, but we’re probably rescuing Hamas’ middle management and their wealthy supporters.

    Canadian bigots and racists vote for the national socialists in the Liberal/NDP Party and they just collected 200 more votes…

  2. It’s one of the reasons that university campuses of 2024 Canada resemble beer halls of 1933 Germany minus the beer and brown shirts. These are all the Spawn’s people and his parting gift to Canadian demographics. What starts as institutionalized multiculturalism ends in Islamic Jihad.

  3. You lucky lucky b*stards. Our pollies in Oz are letting in 2922 potential splodey types from gaza on visitor visas.

  4. Let me get this straight – when the muzzies fire missiles and rockets at Israel, we stand back and urge Israel not to retaliate in any way beyond keeping up optics.
    But we don’t offer to take Israeli citizens in.
    But if Israel fires missiles and rockets back at the muzzies, we wring our hands and import a few thousand.
    Is this just because the Israelis are better shots, or is it simply because Dear Leader hates us, and wants to keep pretending that every other culture on the planet is equal to or better than the one built this country?

    Cultural Marxism….any culture that succeeds must be an eeevil oppressor, and any culture that is a failure must be a righteous oppressed victim.
    Got it.
    We must reward failure and punish success/diligence. Wonder if that would ever happen to Canadian citizens?

    1. You are too generous. The likes of Trudeau and Liberal Party die-hards are pathologically envious of happy, accomplished people. Examine the record of any liberal and you will find grifting, inherited wealth, or change-the-world ambitions .. sometimes all three.

    2. Believe me, they plan for a lot more than 200 or even a few thousand.

      The Red Shirts in the Lieberal Party, need a paramilitary f0rce to keep the Old Stock Canadians in line.

      First comes Bill 63, then the Human Rights Commission imprisoning Canadians who question government policies, and later heavily armed Sharia Patrols.

  5. Hey everybody! I want something! I’m not certain if I have any right to it, but I’m coming over to your place and I’m smashing stuff and threatening your family until I get it. This is the appropriate thing for victims of great wrongs to do.

  6. The Rafah border crossing between Gaza and Egypt has been closed since being seized by Israel in early May.

    Kinda true – Something that never gets mentioned by Western media is the border between Egypt and Gaza which almost rivals that of Israel’s wall.
    Egypt wants nothing at all to do with the region’s perpetual shit disturbers and spare nothing to make sure they stay out …a lesson Jordan learned the hard way.

    1. How could Egypt with a population of just 100 million possibly absorb 2 million Gazans? /sarc

    2. The Gazans are mostly Egyptian, with some Saudis, Sudanese and a smattering of other groups thrown in.

      Back in 1964, the Gazans first refused to be called “palestinian” and insisted they were proud Egyptians until after the 1967 war and even then it took years of pressure and Western handouts for them to change their “origin”.

      Don’t forget that Ahmed Khadr, Omar Khadr’s “Canadian” father was born in Egypt and died fighting for Osama Bin Laden.

      I am sure Omar can provide some arts and crafts training for this latest invasion f0rce.

  7. No doubt these Palestinians will get nice government funded jobs teaching our oppressed indigenous people how to best to arrange their protests against white European colonization. I wonder how Montreal will react if the Mohawks start sending rockets over the St Lawrence?
