We Don’t Need No Flaming Sparky Cars


Ownership costs for electric vehicles will have to come down by at least 31% if the government wants to reach its sales target of 60% EVs by 2030, according to the latest report from the Parliamentary Budget Officer.

“Assuming that preferences, technology and policies remain unchanged from a baseline scenario without the standard, PBO estimates that the relative ownership cost of battery-electric vehicles (BEVs) would need to decrease by 31% to meet the ZEV sales target of 60% in 2030,” reads the PBO report released on Thursday.

“That is, the ownership cost of ZEVs relative to internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles in 2030 under the standard would need to be 31% lower compared to the baseline scenario without the standard in 2030.”

13 Replies to “We Don’t Need No Flaming Sparky Cars”

  1. “…according to the latest report from the Parliamentary Budget Officer.”


    Who wants to make a bet? I’m willing to bet that the Parliamentary Budget Officer based his entire premise (in this case, a criminally optimistic prediction) on cost. He/she did not figure in convenience, performance, growing taxes (many US states are now adding mileage taxes to accommodate those lost at the pump), or the very basic concept that people effing hate change when they have something that works. I’m willing to bet he didn’t factor in regional weather or safety concerns.

    1. 31% is not enough, and most of the companies are still selling EVs at a loss.

      If I still owned Ford stock, I’d be demanding they price them at at least a break even price, even if meant selling zero.

  2. Nobody, especially Liberals, listens to the PBO.
    The opposition can bring it up and Turd and the Gang just say yeah no he’s wrong.
    Besides, Liberals don’t give a shit if you own a car.
    And “people” like Environazi Guilbeault and the nut, Mark Carney, don’t want Joe and Jess Average to own anything or go anywhere.

    1. You have the correct perspective, Buddy. Thanks for reminding people about the Agenda, 2030, that is.

  3. That’s an easy fix: raise the cost of owning an ICE.
    Inflation is good for what ails ya.

  4. 20+ yr old vehicles are looking good now, under $10k, proven technology, not much electronics. Maybe even a CD player.

  5. here’s the deal liberals (which includes Liberals) lm aiming at a place away from ‘population centres’ cause except for handy grocery and drug stores those places got NOTHING else good to offer me and a lot of down points.
    sooooooooo gonna need a reliable vehicle can start and move in -30C.
    got that TURDeau? ps ’twas your daddio moved us to metric weather.
    lm willing to drop my example to the magic -40 where the digits jive.

    ps did they find your brother yet? please please trade places.

  6. EV’s can come down 90% and most people will pass. Not anywhere good enough to replace ice vehicles in most locales and situations.

  7. I would say 2/3rds of the vehicles on the road will not have access to a home private charging station.. Drive through your neighborhood and count off the fails with two or more cars in the driveway.. A running hassle..

    Turn it on its head.. A car is a expensive convenience tool.. I pay to buy back my personal time.. I see public charging stations for what they are.. Bus stops for cars.. You are literally putting your car on the bus..

    Time wise.. So why not just put yourself on the bus?.. That’s the idea..

  8. Winter storm recovery.. You city gets hit hard and shut down for a few days of snow removal.. Disrupting and stranding the gypsy fleet of EVs.. Where get out of the way becomes I need a charging station.. Drama queen BS that will slow winter storm recovery..

    IMO the energy needs of the EV gypsy fleet, once disrupted.. Will extend both the recovery time and the economic damage of winter storms.. A little more off the top..
