20 Replies to “With A Lisp And A Sneer”

    1. Kris holds a BA, an MA, and a PhD, from the University of Alberta (actually one of Canada’s better uni’s) and his degrees are all in education, so he’s a least as much of a Dr. as Dr. Jill Biden is. Which is to say, DO NOT ask Dr. Kris or Dr. Jill … “does this thing look infected?” because they’re NOT going to have a clue.

      They are the last people I’d want near to my kids (back in the day when they were kids).

        1. If you look at his bio at MacEwan University, it is wall to wall ‘pride’ so I would assume you are correct. How else would he, there i go assuming the gender again, have ‘qualified’ for the appointment?

  1. Ah yes. Two more ‘independent’ senators appointed by the Turd. With a strong Lieberal majority in the senate. I fail to see how Poilievre can effect any significant change.

  2. Well at least I already know the benefits of getting the top bunk.
    The country getting it’s spine back is beyond being positive, and moved on to hopeful and you can’t get more positive then that (your actually happy bullshitting yourself).

  3. Ugh, it is not Christians (sorry NME) that are running with manchettes killing gays, it is another religion.

  4. “Like father like son”…true.
    But don’t forget that Harper left office and left many vacant senate seats for Fidel junior to fill. Unbelievably naive!
    “I want a new country”

    1. harper far to busy trying to undo pot reform and taking away time served WITHOUT any indication funding for the inevitable jump in prison population.
      not one word on that, just a lot of moralizing and pulpit talk.

    2. Indeed. Was Harper working for the Liberals? He gave billions to the cbc and other communists etc.

      If Polievre is another Harper then I hope the little dicktator wins again, why drag out the ending?

    3. I suspect he knew what the implications of the vacant Senate seats were. None of the CPC are what a conservative would want.

  5. ye gods how much more insulting can he get?
    my hatred for this one exceeds any historic dictators including mao, or contemporary ones just full unabated profound cold black raw hate of the TURDeau.

  6. Sorry to shamelessly hijack the comments section, but this is a rare opportunity to address a Canadian audience. My question concerns Darrell Braun, famous Canadian You- Tuber, who seems to have dropped off the face of the earth. Does anybody have any idea what has happened with him? Asking for a couple hundred thousand subscribers. Thanks in advance!

  7. The sooner westerners realize just how stacked the deck is (and it will only get worse), the more likely independence becomes.
