Elon Musk vs. Corrupt Brazil

Michael Shellenberger chimes in.

Update: Right on cue, the little dwarf, Robert Reich, is calling for Elon Musk’s arrest in the UK. Interestingly, he’s ashamed to post a link to his article on X.com. But people instantly connected the dots and are lighting him up big time!

24 Replies to “Elon Musk vs. Corrupt Brazil”

  1. “Brazil is thus not just a dictatorship but a lawless one. Its leaders are behaving like the hypocritical pig leaders in George Orwell’s Animal Farm.”
    I re-read it earlier in the year.
    Pig Leaders is a keeper.
    Prime Minister Pig Leader has a ring to it.

    1. Bluddy
      I’v never read Orwell’s Animal Farm, and don’t need to to be able to intellectually sort things out in my mind.
      Butt I have worked on a farm and slopped pigs, and think you should quit insulting pigs.


      1. …”Even when you’re agreeable, you still manage to be offensive and obtuse.”

        You keep insisting on proving me right!

      2. don’t need to to be able to intellectually sort things out in my mind

        Well, that’s certainly true. The phrase “mercifully free of the ravages of intelligence” comes to mind.

  2. The Fascist – sorry – “Democrat” Party and their co-conspirators in the Deep State/Legacy Regime Media already have a history of this type of behavior – best exemplified by the Hunter Biden Laptop Story – and are probably advising and cheering on this ugly fascist pig judge behind the scenes. They hate Musk and what X has become and can’t wait to employ the same totalitarian measures here.

    1. No doubt the US Intel is assisting this beta run to take down Musk. If successful, it will be deployed elsewhere as a multipronged offensive that will neuter X and Starlink by bleeding Musk dry. Only pesky things like constitutionally protected free and open communication stand in the way. But even that is no hindrance to Marxists – witness Justin’s efforts to control/define our digital space. Watch Canada follow Brazils lead in the near future.

  3. That little Commie, Robert Reich uses the term ”Free Speech Absolutist” to describe Elon Musk.
    Really? ”Free Speech Absolutist”
    I see Reich hasn’t actually READ the First Amendment. That there is no such thing as politically-inconvenient speech. No such thing as “Far Right” speech. No such thing as … “Hate” speech.

    ”Free Speech Absolutist” … is a HATE-smear in the same vein as “Fundamentalist Christian”

    1. agree totally and ‘absolutistly’ lol.
      seriously, its the *language* in the propaganda method supposed to trigger inner imagery and emotional response, *without thinking*. purely an emotional *reaction*.
      lve read a number of this squishy little man’s postings its abundantly clear.
      (see, *I* just did it, see how it works?)

    2. Bang on Kenji.

      I asked Herr REICH Directly (@RBReich), what Exactly had he contributed to Humanity during his Miserable Existence..?? Pissantes like this need a few extra booster shots…

  4. The left’s definition of free speech, any speech that challenges their ethos is considered “Hate speech”. Is it just me or are the left at peak insanity, the–stench of global desperation and tyranny–seems to have become extreme?

  5. I don’t think people will enjoy the post-Enlightenment era any more than they enjoyed the pre-Enlightenment era. I suspect many will want to get acquainted or reacquainted with the Enlightenment philosophers after suffering the “benign” rule of the micromanaging, control-freak political class and their technocrats and corporatists. Except the majority of Canadians, of course, because like most serfs they seem to be happiest when following orders and not having to think for themselves. The importance of individual rights and free speech are foreign “ugly American” concepts to most Canadians

      1. Indeed. Frightened little canadians are too scared to even talk politics in an adult way, if the subject comes up in polite company then you get the bromides churned out by our government media, say anything else and you see the fear among the voting herd animals.

  6. National socialists in our NDP/Liberal Party and some of their fellow travelers in the Conservative Party are licking their chops at the prospect of getting away with more censorship.
    Just so that we all get along so nicely under their absolute control.
    It would be hard to “disappear” a guy like Musk, but you? Nobody would miss you…

  7. The best thing we could do to Brazil is to make Argentina a shining example of affluence, success, liberty and freedom…and watch the mystified occupants of Brazil get angry, envious and start questioning their leadership as to why they can’t be like that. Once the snow ball starts rolling down the hill, it’s hard to stop it.

    1. IIRC – back about 1980 –

      There was a GM Diesel plant in Argentina. GM got sick of ransoming executives and moved the plant to Brasil.

      Under those conditions Argentina might get it back

  8. Oh, they want Elon.. Rolled over or in chains before the American election.. That should tell you all you need to know about what they have in store..

    Until then, they will feed on his subscribers to smoke him out.. If they cant have it, they will ruin it..

  9. If elected, look for Kamala and the Democrats to nationalize Twitter/X,

    As part of the green new deal they may also take over Tesla.

    And Boeing is salivating at getting SpaceX.

    Far fetched? Perhaps, but Kamala is to the left of Bernie Sanders. Kamala’s values haven’t changed, and neither have the “values” of the Democrats.
