72 Replies to “I Disagree”

  1. “The fact that 40 per cent of the country is conservative…”

    I’m sorry, 40%? And this guy calls himself a journalist.

    The lies come thick and fast these days, don’t they?

    Shut the CBC. Fire them all, sell the equipment, demolish the buildings, turn the rubble into condos for illegals.

    1. the cbc was never intended to be the “official” voice of government – it just morphed into a propaganda machine via the weakness of human beings and very large doses of $$$.

      so, yeah, you’re right… it cannot be redeemed at this point. it should be sold off to the highest bidder with the proviso that it is a privately held company ineligible for government funding.

      it might last for another 5 years until it fades into history. 🙂

      1. The most Liberal riding in Canada, Toronto-St. Paul is CPC now, Mike. Last election might as well be 100 years ago.

        Destroying the CBC is worth it, even if only as vengeance upon them for lying to us about Covid.

        CTV, Glowball and CITY will stand or fall on their own. Probably fall, because they suck.

    2. totally agree. sell it off. THEN we REALLY find out its ‘value’ out there
      in the at times emotionless always exceedingly ruthless market.
      it gives credence plausibility, rationality. aka HEEEYYYYYY Canaduh, now YOU
      can have a pc of the cultural vanguard!!! ante up !!!!
      in an age where there are 50 more avenues to get news and
      entertainment. not like the old days and old ways.
      cbcbc is one of those ‘still functioning’ antiques and VERY expensive.

  2. I wonder if he realizes that his defense of the CBC is based on the most valid reasons for getting rid of it in the first place!

  3. You can’t advocate the dismantling of CBC while drinking at the same slop pail of government handouts. It’s called self preservation. National Post is not what it used to be.

  4. “If the CPC cut $400 million from the budget, the Liberals will just put it back when they get in”.

    So don’t just cut their budget, but go for total abolition, and then metaphorically plough the fields and sow them with salt. Sell off the real estate, convert it to condos, and get owners installed therein.

    Then the Liberals (assuming they get back in again) will have to rebuild the Xi B Xi from scratch, and justify why we need it at all.

    If PP starts the process early, after nobody will notice the absence of the Xi B Xi (and it might make Canadian journalism more honest, as Justin’s subsidised groupies would no longer have to worry about offending the Xi B Xi if they wanted a job there).

    1. Justification is never needed by any liberal socialist. Destroy something that is unnecessary they will destroy it again to build more unnecessary stuff.

  5. Well, Anyone actually wanting to see the CBC & by extension, CTV, Global, McLeans etc. remain in ANY form is obviously No conservative.
    Not only does it need to be completely eviscerated, those at the top who financially bathed in the Theft of Taxpayer $$$Billions so as to enrich themselves while literally crapping upon Canadians…
    That bunch…???

    Up against a concrete Wall appreciating the speed at which hi speed lead Travels.
    F em all…

  6. Reasons for dismantling the CBC. #1 – the country is in horrendous debt, which we will end-up eating. There are LOTS ‘n LOTS of areas where we can cut guvmint spending to stop blowing money we don’t have, and I can think of few more deserving than the CBC.

    For one thing, it’ll save us $everal hundred million in guvmint bribes every election campaign…

    1. very estute re spending.
      we hear about ‘zero tax day’ the point at which all our incomes so far went right back out into all taxes.
      this is what l want to know: at what point, at what date, given all taxes collected and all govt spending for that year, at which point have they squandered the taxes and are now spending borrowed money?
      anybody know? a citation??

  7. This might have something to do with the former National Post guys support for the CBC : “He even agreed to sit on a panel put together by Mélanie Joly (the Trudeau government’s first heritage minister) to advise on the future of cultural policy in Canada. “. As usual, a conflict of interest because he’s likely looking for a new consulting contract from government to advise them on how to reform the CBC.

    The tax money spent on CBC is well over a billion dollars a year. That money could go to far more productive purposes or simply not spent at all. I agree with quanga, don’t just cut funding…sell off all of the assets and property. All of it. There’s nothing worth hanging on to since it’ll return to being a left wing propaganda machine as soon as the Conservatives are out of government.

  8. Understanding of canada? Seriously??
    You’re joking!!
    canada died years back under the Shawinigan Strangler! It briefly sputtered under Harper but under the current Asswhole, well hey!
    You need look no further than the recent senate appointments.

    1. Or PP knows enough not to call fire on his own position for nothing.

      Let the PQ pay for froglais CBC. French language wokeisme that nobody watches and sucks money from the PQ, is there a downside there?

    1. Why would you do that to poor old Ezra? I’ve met the guy, he does not deserve that misery in his life.

    2. Now you’re talking.
      Put a young Don Cherry in there with a mandate to vaporize every single Liberal within 4 years.
      Replace them with math proficient conservatives.
      If the Conservatives can find any conservatives.

    1. “Ken Whyte was never a conservative.”
      I’v worked with scotts, and the only thing they love more than their union, is their booze.

  9. “Unleash their creative and entrepreneurial energy” is exactly what eliminating their entire budget would do!
    Yet this A-hole wants us to believe it can be done within the confines of the radical Liberal Party’s media arm?
    What a total effin jerk.

  10. Hiring process at CBC

    Q: “Are you a queer Communist?”
    A: Yes
    Q: “You have a job.”

    Q: “Are you a queer Communist?”
    A: “No”
    Q: “I’m calling the RCMP.”

  11. the political lines of division are most visible in geography (urban / rural. )
    typically (in the last few decades) the popular vote in fed elections is ~ 40% for libs and ~40% cons. i believe the last election totals of popular vote was a diffence of 1/8 of 1% in favour of our esteemed (ptui!) liberals.
    if conservatives can pull 41% or 42% in the next election – it will be goodbye and good riddance to the worst prime minister canada has ever had to suffer.

    1. Orwell’s 2 minutes of Hate?
      Wait until the writ is dropped and the Canadian Media’s 35 days of Hate begin!

  12. All the handwringing discussions to decide if the CBC is worthy of existing in English Canada, while thinking it’ll be encouraged in Quebec, and “oh well” the next federal #Libranos will simply re-fund this with tax dollars and build it back better? It will continue based upon language used?

    AND, thinking it will continue to be subsidised in French, while the English pay for it? Will this be rolled into the offensive garbage idea of equalisation payments?

    It should be entirely defunded, not based upon which language it is in, and sell the buildings / land to whoever can make a business case for it, then take an axe to the CRTC, and the idea of tax credits for all but 2-3 media outlets in Canada which the #Libranos just happen to hate.

    Canada’s debt is and will continue to be monstrous while politicians decide what’s worthy, and it is always for those friends they deem worthy, while citizens bleed 50% of their earnings to pay for garbage they don’t want.

  13. “A Conservative Case For Not Dismantling The CBC”

    Just from the title alone I’m assuming this is satire. If so, it’s on par with Swift’s “A Modest Proposal”.

  14. Keep the CBC radio. It has an audience (about 1/3 of radio listeners), for some reason. Get rid of the CBC tv. Prime time audience is 4.4 percent, trending down to 0. There are other french broadcasters in Quebec.

  15. The fact is that the source of the most egregious anti Canadian agitprop is government and it’s media arms.

  16. By allowing the Canadian government to be in the culture business in the hands of your political friends, you are consenting to the same for your political enemies. The CBC has degenerated into a hostile environment and propaganda arm against conservatives regardless of who is in power. Culture is not a legitimate role of the state. The legacy media is dying now because their technological monopoly is no longer at play and the citizenry now have access to more friendly alternatives conforming to their own views. Good riddance to the CBC. PP needs to end all media subsidies while he’s at it.

  17. I’m old enough to remember when CBC was slightly conservative. The contrast with today is immense. If it could be put back the way it was, then keep it. But it can’t, the rot is too deeply entrenched, and besides, when the left wins election again, they’ll reverse everything PP does.

    So get rid of it, it’s beyond saving.

    1. You must be positively Archean. The Ceeb has been a pinnacle of Leftism since about the time the Mackenzie-Papineau bunch shuffled off to Barcelona.

  18. Frankly, I’m tired of Kim Campbell conservatives like Whyte holding forth with 1000 word treatises attempting to convince the rest of us what clearly needs to be off loaded.

    From Wikipedia – In 2016-2017, Whyte was appointed to the Canadian government’s expert advisory panel on cultural policy

    Geez…colour me shocked.

  19. Government subsidized media is always left wing – CBC in Canada, BBC in Britain, and NPR in the US.

    You have thousands of choices for getting your news and entertainment. At least in Britain, you can refuse to pay for a “TV License”. In Canada, everyone pays for the 2% who actually watch.

    Absolutely no justification for giving them a dime.

  20. Actually it was the liberals who mortally wounded the CBC by making it a liberal sheltered workshop. The conservatives need to put it out of our misery.

  21. Canada is a very liberal country. We’d fit seamlessly into the EU.
    About once every 3 decades we elect a majority ‘conservative ‘ government. It’s usually a protest vote against the liberals not an idealogy swing.

    Whyte is right any undoing of the cbc by the CPC will immediately be undone by the libranos once they are back in power.

    Quebek will not stand for any cut to the cbc so PP will stay away from any hint of a cut there.

    I don’t expect much from the conservatives on this file. A few cuts with promise of more to follow (they probably won’t) and maybe a new conservative appointment to the cbc board. Then… business as usual.

    If PP ever becomes PM he’ll have so much on his plate that the cbc file will receive little priority. Any announced cuts will garner blowback like he’s never experienced.

    1. Like the Libertarian in Argentina, the Conservatives should do ruthless, massive, comprehensive cuts right at the start. Incrementalism was a good idea but it didn’t really work in the long run for Harper. His big moves like getting rid of the (western) Canadian Wheat Board have had a more lasting impact. TFSAs have also lasted. Perhaps big government cuts paired with big tax cuts works.

      Besides, if you slay all of the sacred cows in the bureaucracy at the same time, the chattering class and the media will be in such a hysterical state that they won’t be able to create panic about each and every reduction. Plus the media’s own subsidies will be eliminated, somewhat neutering their influence.

      Getting the economy fixed and letting Canadians keep more of their own earnings should be the first priority. Then the Conservatives have 4 years to show that it’s working.

    2. You convince Quebec that the national broadcaster is a propaganda outfit for Federalism, and the interference of Ottawa in areas of quebec concern, and the separatists would be demanding you get rid of it as quick as possible.

    3. l understand cbc kaybeck programming en francais totally different from troc.
      given that defunding etc under this plan accomplishes the main objective, well
      thats politics !!! axe!!! axe!!!! wheres the axe!!!!! find the axe and give it to PP !!!!

  22. 100% of mainstream media need to be nuked from orbit, just to be sure. It is recalcitrant and nothing of value can be salvaged.

  23. Lots of good comments.
    Destroying it ASAP will drop the jaws of the pinkos and before they can recover you hit them with a right cross (heh) by demolishing Heritage Canada.
    And that’s just for starters.
    No more money to other countries. – that’s 10 billion right there. Forever
    No more money to consultants – that’s 20 billion. Forever.
    Next thing you know the military has shiny killing toys and the real soldiers are almost tired of going to the range they have so much ammo to blast.
    Cut, cut and then cut some more, deregulate and undo until Ottawa has returned to its sleepy little town status.
    And watch the country flourish.

  24. This guy doesn’t get it. We’re not just defunding it. We’ll be dismantling it completely. There’s not going to be a CBC.

  25. The CBC should not be dismantled. All government funding to the CBC should be stopped and the CBC should stand on it’s own merits. Let them hold regular pledge weeks and get some big progressive donors to donate. When they start giving Canadians what Canadians want to see then maybe the regular joe average Canadian might even start doing some pledges on pledge week. I’d pledge something to have Don Cherry back dong Hockey Night in Canada.

    1. Let them fund a podcast with a shoestring budget. Maybe, like blacklocks, they’ll rediscover investigative journalism. Right now the majority of Canadian journalists are lazy and prefer to sit on their ass and write opinion columns. One hungry, ambitious reporter is worth 100 of the current governmenr funded, government approved, government directed opinion scribblers.

    2. Nope, they have several billion of equipment, vehicles and real estate. If they are prepared to use their donations to buy the equipment, more power to them, but no garage sale deals. Fair market value for all sales.

  26. As much as we dislike mainstream journalism getting rid of them will not serve our purpose. Government support journalism can’t continue.

    That said if we have no mainstream journalism we’ll be left with Rabble and Rebel. I want facts not opinion. If I have the facts I form my own conclusion. I’m never inclined toward cbc. We need more journalism not less.

  27. As for the French CBC, Quebec should be given the option of running it as a provincial (“national”) broadcaster. And in that context, transfer all its Montreal offices to Quebec City.
    Then let them sort it out as an internal Quebec issue.

  28. Good point quanga.

    That and cbc becomes a subscription service in TROC. You want it – you pay

  29. Canadian conservatives are too stupid to live.
    The Canadian people are suffering a death of a thousand cuts, and instead of going after the men with the knives, they run around with a box of band-aids.

  30. A poor understanding that retaliation doesn’t mean tapping the brakes on Liberal regress, it means bombing out their institutions to kingdom come and make it so painful they never try again.
    If the bow tie brigade starts being out their toxic mix of compromise and reasonableness then put them in the target too.

  31. Liberal-fascists ban things. Conservatives cut their funding support.
    Just picture the chaos in the boughten media when they have to earn their livings. Liberal on Liberal warfare for the scraps of market share left. Watch them turn their bile on each other. Friendly fire (unfriendly fire?) would be the order of the day. All for the savings of 2 Billion a year. Please PP, zero for the media in your first budget.
    Ah, I have a dream
    Also Aaron Wherry still doesn’t have a senate seat.

  32. I had a comment, but someone beat me to it.
    So I’m just going to say this.
    Not only should the CBC be defunded, the incoming CPC government (and I am being presumptuous) must take steps to prevent “re-funding” by future governments. If that can be done without dismantling the Ceeb, then fine. Let the Ceeb stand on it’s own two feet.
    If that can’t be done, then by all means, dismantle the organization in such a way that it can never be put back together again.

  33. If you leave a husk a future government only has to pump the funds into it.
    Kill it off and they have to start from scratch.
    Kill it off and mandate no government can create a broadcasting corporation (aka propaganda arm) and it makes it impossible to create another abomination like the CBC.

    1. seriously.
      why is *any* government *anywhere* in the world at *any time* involved in media?
      one reason alone: A PROPAGANDA VEHICLE.
