31 Replies to ““Look on his works, ye Mighty, and despair!””

    1. For $2.79 I’m buying bleach so I don’t have to see this again in my eyes. Please donate to the Tim Walz fund for Kamala in the meantime.

    2. Concrete brutalist resurrected from the 1970’s … just like he resurrected 1970’s wind and solar technology … and called it … FORWARD !!! … or something. His architect should win the award for thematic banality.

      1. I was in design and construction for 30 years. I find that the political left has absolutely NO sense of design in buildings or interiors. Think of the crap which Hitler or Russia put up, think of all the crap known as brutalist architecture of the 1970’s when Canada was governed by the Liberal party, think of the Mississauga City Hall which looks like something out of “Triumph of the Will”.
        People deride conservative architecture, but for my money the absolute best time for architecture was in the latter half of the 1700’s – very classical buildings surrounded by great landscaping (especially in the country of England) – I am with King Charles III on this. Mind you, I also like French Art Deco architecture and interiors BUT definitely enjoy all the modern conveniences such as good sized bathrooms, indoor laundry, electricity, HVAC and wireless internet. So there is that!

      2. Are you sure he didn’t reach back to the Solar and wind tech of the late 1800s to go with the electric vehicle tech, also circa late 1800s?

  1. In the link to the library website, there’s a section titled, “The Campus”.

    Th center picture of that section is of a sculpture that looks like a giant toilet seat with the lid left up.

    Whatever happened to statues of old dead guys? At least those informed people a little bit about history. That sculpture will just inspire toddlers who are being potty trained to use the opportunity to practice what they have learned.

  2. Looks like a half demolished grain elevator.
    But why do American Presidents do this? By the time our PM’s leave Office,we are usually heartily sick of them and don’t want a monument to them, just want to forget the damage they did, though a very few did SOME good, but not many.
    I wouldn’t mind a statue of Jean Chretien strangling that idiot, if it was placed in Shawinigan.

    1. “ But why do American Presidents do this? “

      As an American, I have to say I agree with this sentiment. George Washington would be appalled by the supposed need for, but especially the size of some of these facilities – especially this gargantuan pile of brutalist vomit.

    2. Why do American presidents do this?

      I wonder how much of the library money flows to the ex-president?

      Is it just a way to supplement book “earnings”?

    3. The original purpose was to save records.
      Like a history archive from the 4 or 8 years of a presidency.
      Obama’s heavily sanitized records will only be available online.
      So this is just a tourist monument to dear leader.

      1. Just what we need … a pilgrimage monument to our First Muslim POTUS … EVERY GOOD Democrat will embark on their own personal hajj to Obama.

        1. It would look right at home in North Korea as well.
          Phase two probably includes a monumental statue straddling lake shore drive and set of 440ft tall minarets.

  3. This is an invitation to spray bomb graffiti with drones on the sides facing all streets.

    I can’t even imagine what I’d write there, repeatedly.
    Suppose it’s better than dragging that 300 ton lump of coal to Mount Rushmore for a likeness.

    Will it have a “call to prayer” 5 times a day? “the sweetest sound I know” is how he put it…

    1. Oh, but he has done something – he’s putting the finishing touches on “transforming America”, whether you like it or not.
      Though It makes one wonder how they can take pride in what they’ve accomplished – the crime, illegal immigration run amok, bankruptcy, depressed wages and productivity, cultural and social destruction and divisiveness. It’s hard to point to any one thing that’s better or worth that amount of wanton recklessness. But if you’re a communist, the destruction is almost a goal in itself; a manifestation of greed, envy, and self-loathing taken out on the rest of society and through it, the primary goal of totalitarian rule.

  4. That concrete turret tower would look at home among abandoned German concrete WWII structures along the French coastline. I wonder if Barry looks at Trump with equal disdain as Adolph did looking across the Channel towards Churchill’s free Britain from Fortress Europe.

  5. I assume it will also have a replica of Barry’s most-frequented bath house and a portrait of Michelle ‘Big Mike’ O’Bummer in a Speedo.
