22 Replies to “Margin Of Fraud”

  1. To paraphrase Al Gore … Donald J Trump used to be the next (46th) President of the United States. But in Al’s case … he got a much more lucrative “job” …

  2. Liberal media liars keep saying that there was “no widespread voter fraud” because they know the fraud only had to take place in specific counties for it to be successful. So they can pretend they’re being honest.

    It’s one of the more disgusting lies that radical leftists promote, only an idiot would believe it was a free and fair election.

    1. Agreed. And only an idiot would believe 2024 will be a free and fair election.

      It worked spectacularly well in 2020, of course they’re going to do it again. Why wouldn’t they?

      1. Poor Roger Simon, so blind he can’t even see what was obvious, even four years later. There was video of some of the shenanigans, statistical analyses regarding the abrupt overnight skewing of the vote tallies in numerous counties, and many articles pointing out all kinds of other anomalies and transgressions. The best he could do was be agnostic at the time, now upgraded to somewhat agnostic. Spit.

    2. Phil
      Even were Trump won, there is fraud being uncovered. Our resident FAT INCEL, alla ass is one of those stupid lefties.


  3. All I can think is that if it was truly a fair election and you want to preserve confidence in the electoral system you simply do a full forensic audit. You do everything you can to prove there was no malfeasance. That didn’t happen. Instead preparations were made and millions spent to make sure that didn’t happen. As for the sanctimonious loosers that maintain it was the fairest and most secure election ever,there’s no point in arguing. Or as Jordan Peterson says “Don’t cast pearls before swine ” . Or as I like to say, why step in doggy doo,when you can just walk around it.

    1. ” All I can think is that if it was truly a fair election and you want to preserve confidence in the electoral system you simply do a full forensic audit. You do everything you can to prove there was no malfeasance. ”

      Exactly. That’s what innocent people do, because they do not fear the truth. They know that they did nothing wrong and are eager to prove it.

      “That didn’t happen. Instead preparations were made and millions spent to make sure that didn’t happen.”

      Again, EXACTLY. The Democrats hired Marc Elias and his firm, at the cost of millions of dollars, to *prevent* any election audits, recounts or investigations from happening. That’s what GUILTY people do.

      ” As for the sanctimonious losers that maintain it was the fairest and most secure election ever,there’s no point in arguing. ”

      Our resident election denier AllanS has proven the futility of that over and over again.

      “Lalalalala I CAN’T HEAR YOU!!” Truly pathetic…

      1. The courts said that people did not have standing to bring actions before the courts. Well, every voter in America who had their vote nullified by fraud has standing. The scotus was 100% wrong.

          1. “The court said the states that sued had no standing. Is that a detail without a difference?”

            I liken it to calling the police to report that your neighbor’s house is being burglarized, and they ask “is it your house?” When you say no, they then inform you that your neighbor himself must call them because it’s not your house so you don’t have ‘standing’. Makes zero sense.

  4. 2008 Rep 60 million Dem 69 million Total 129 million
    2012 Rep 61 million Dem 66 million Total 127 million

    2016 Rep 63 million Dem 66 million Total 129 million
    2020 Rep 74 million Dem 81 million Total 155 million
    Diff Rep + 11 million Dem + 15 million Total +26 million

    2020 was a weird election. Trump won 11 million more votes and lost. Biden, the school segregator and friend of the Klan, won more black votes than Obama.

    Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Georgia changed from 2016 to 2020. The cheat pretty much was limited to Milwaukee, Detroit, Philadelphia, Phoenix, and Atlanta where voting was stopped so the Democrats could gauge how many fake votes they needed. The subsequent dump of ballots was simply so overwhelmingly Democrats to be embarrassingly dishonest. I suspect 120% of inner city voters in these 5 cities voted for Biden. I went to bed on election night and Trump had like 315 electoral college votes. In the morning he had about 80 less.

    The media had to be complicit because normally they announce “elected and leading in states.” In 2020 they only announced “elected in states” being careful not to announce any of these five states as having elected Trump despite large leads on election night.

    1. A fine concise explaination of what transpired in 2020, I’ve used the numbers many times to try and explain to family and friends that are numerically challenged. The underlying problem is that the cheating may have been started a lot sooner than 2020 when the element of cheating could have been just razor thin enough to push the margin. The margin in 2016 wasn’t enough and Trump prevailed, hence the level of warfare launched against him. In 2020 they couldn’t allow a Trump victory and as a result the vote margin was thrown to the wind. A 20 percent increase in voter turnout greater than the last three previous elections should have triggered another election, or at the very least a national suspension of the results until a forensic audit was conducted. Instead Americans were played and lied to.

      1. If you believe numbers don’t lie, answer the following questions:
        How many 2020 election voting irregularities were reported?
        How many 2020 election voting irregularities were investigated?
        Do the math.

    2. 2020 makes perfect sense when you consider it the result of the American people turning up in droves for their country to prevent another four years of chaos and corruption. It would’ve been an absolute landslide were it not for the Russian/Chinese fraud in favour of Trump.

  5. My theory is that normally, you only have to cheat a little to win, the popular vote being of no consequence. However, when it turned out that by doing that Biden would appear to win but have ten million or so less votes. No one would believe that so everything stopped while the voting machines were retuned to add 20 million votes to Biden so appearances would be better. However, now we must believe that Biden actually got 81.2 million “legal” votes amounting to 94% of registered voters. NFW!

  6. Anyone paying attention the day following the ”election” knew that Biden had lost, but also knew that he was going to be in the Oval Office.
    With the democratic party involved, well hey 2016 was not going to happen again!
    Should you shake hands with a Democrat be sure to count your fingers.
