12 Replies to “O, Sweet Saint Of San Andreas”

  1. Scott Adams and I don’t live all that far from one another … and we have both come to the same conclusion about San Francisco and esp. Union Square … neither of us have any interest whatsoever for getting anywhere near that place.

    It has always been thought of as an upscale locale, with the square (formerly) lined with high end boutique stores. Willie Brown (of Kamela repute) was reported to almost single-handedly keep ‘Brooks Brothers’ suits open for business. So … that is where the criminals gather now … to rob, shoot, and kill people for their “stuff”. Remember … it’s only “stuff”.

    My wife needed to withdraw a sizable amount of cash from our local Bank in our formerly, peaceful, safe, and secure, upper-upper middle class suburb. And I found myself reminding her that robbers now follow people in and out of banks. If they can see her getting cash counted out to her from the teller … they’ll jump her as she gets into her car or follow her looking for the best time to rob her. I reminded her to make note of EVERYONE and everything in the parking lot. Yeah, I should have probably withdrawn the cash myself … but I was spray-painting doors that day (oil based paint … mucho trabajo). But that’s how we have to live for the first times in our lives … be wary … be fearful.

    I am a 4th generation Californian, and my State has gone to shit. It’s disgusting … and I cannot wait to get out of here. Where … is still a question … although the middle of Montana is looking appealing. Put me on “The Res”.

    1. I was listening to a Mike Rowe podcast where the interviewee likened California to Saudi Arabia. Run by a single religion Wahhabi in Saudi and Leftism in California. They can both make stupid decisions that are completely destructive and against the good intentions F the society and the people but they have enough money and resources,oil in Saudi and technology in California, that the system doesn’t collapse. Until it does. Slowly then all of a sudden.
      As a lover of old Hollywood movies and Alfred Hitchcock, San Francisco was always on my list to visit. Not so much anymore.
      And now I just read that the first round draft pick of the 49ers was shot multiple times in Union Square.

        1. As they were loading him into the ambulance … it looked like the upper right chest … probably just caught him as he grabbed for the gun. Good thing WR’s tend to have strong hands.

          The “shooter” … read: maggot criminal is only 17yo … and most likely looks just like Obama’s son would have looked. As a juvenile … no name has been released. However, you can guarantee the kid will be Released from Juvenile Hall in about 5 months.

  2. Remember when Mitch Marner was carjacked for his $300K SUV in a not horrible part of Toronto in the middle of the day outside a theatre complex? Yeah, I do and why I don’t care. The whole stupid world is a Norm MacDonald joke and half the people don’t get it.

  3. Undoubtedly shot by one of Kamala’s fine people, and as such will soon be bailed out by a Soros DA.
