10 Replies to “Fake Election 2024”

  1. I think the world is going to be burdened with Hag Harris because the Democrats will cheat the vote, many Americans are short yellow bus retarded, many black Americans are commies, or the Deep State may yet get Trump – then blame Russia.

  2. The visuals of her CNN interview looked really bad, coffee cups everywhere, they made Tim W look really large sitting beside her, making her look like a little girl. The theory about “Ghosts in the Machine” is starting to look more plausible as we go along. Someone else has their hand on the controls.There are reports that the total interview was over 40 minutes, they could only find 18 minutes of watchable video?

    1. Prarieboys: “There are reports that the total interview was over 40 minutes, they could only find 18 minutes of watchable video?”

      And about half of those 18 minutes were cringeworthy, but it would have looked even worse if the Harris-Walz campaign staff could only put out a 4- or 5-minute sit-down interview. So, they went with the best cuts they could find and came up with 18 minutes. That’s still ridiculously short for someone running for President.

      If Kamalala doesn’t give pressers or interviews, it looks bad.

      If Kamalala DOES speak, it’s much, much worse than no interviews.

      If the YSM (Yellow Stream Media) can cover for Biden for 3-1/2 years, covering for Kamalala for a few months will be a piece of cake.

      No matter how much you hate the Kommie YSM, it’s not enough.

    2. The visuals of her CNN interview made her look like all the girls I saw show up with Blue Books for their Final Exams … massive bags under their eyes appearing as though they haven’t slept for a week. Slumped shoulders appearing dead tired. She didn’t look “up for the job”, or very “presidential” in the least.

      And her answers were as puffy as the bags under her eyes.

    3. Trump has sat with various podcasters for hour+ each, and Kamala can’t even make it through a 18 minute CNN interview?

      I’m expecting he’s going to sit down with Peterson, and then Rogan, before the election.

      Kamala will continue to campaign from the basement.

  3. The Kameladeeda campaign is being made in a Hollywood basement. Every word of every speech, and interview answer is being written by the top Hollywood talent. Sitcom writers. Script writers. Screenplay writers. I doubt there are really any “political” consultants in the room. We are watching a contrived Sitcom … and Kameladeeda is the “nice” if not ditzy roommate who always wants the best for everyone.

    Hollywood is gonna make you FEEL good about her … but never THINK about her.

  4. Goldfish apparently don’t remember their old position either, no problem for them to swim around a bowl because they immediately forget their old position. Kamala is like a goldfish.

  5. She is reminiscent of Paul Martin (without the brains). It was said of Paul that his highest priority was whatever the priority was of the last guy he was talking to.

  6. Running against herself.. Just like Turdhole up here..
    Sadly, it will be good enough for the rank and file libs.. They hate us more than their own failures..
