10 Replies to “Honey, I Finished The Internet”

    1. I jumped up on the platform
      The man gave me the news
      He said, you must be joking son …
      Where did you get those shoes? … here did you get those shoooeeesss ?

      Mmmmm … butter slathered pretzels … arrggghhhhb …
      Sadly, Pretzels are just about at the PEAK of the glycemic index. If I eat so much as half a butter slathered pretzel … my blood sugar is spiking off the charts.

      1. well, tq for the tip kj, never occured to me to experiment find things make mine spike to avoid.( ignoring the fact l just finished 2 packs of the new aero choc mint mini bars)

  1. In school in Mannheim Germany (counted towards degree at Waterloo), there was a pretzel booth just outside the residence. Salami, thick slice of cheese and lots of butter. My breakfast most days. Most German food sucks, this is definitely an exception.

    1. like the joke about english cooks french engineers german politicians what were the italians? as opposed to british politicians, german engineers etc

      1. English cooks, French engineers, German police and Italian politicians.

        As opposed to English police, German engineers, Italian cooks, and French politicians.

        I feel like the French failed twice here.

  2. Very interesting… I like the term “denatured”. I’ve been trying to eat “carnivore” for the past 25 days and I have to say, I feel 10 years younger. But the other day, I had a bit of my kid’s “chicken” burger patty with “cheese” on it. Let me tell you, it tasted like toxic waste. It was as if my body was screaming at me that this was poison. I think tried my other son’s hot dog and same thing… it’s as if my body is committed to eating more natural foods.

  3. The concept of “processed” food has no meaning any more. If you bake homemade bread, it’s “processed” food because of the flour. If you buy wonder bread (the stuff that lasts on the counter for 4 weeks), it is the same as homemade bread?

    They refer to pre-packaged food as “processed” food. But it’s not. It’s garbage. But you can’t sell garbage at the grocery store so they instead call it “Nature’s Best”. “Europe’s Best” frozen vegetables are grown in China.

    There is nothing wrong with a pretzel that cannot be offset with a good craft beer.
