30 Replies to “It’s Probably Nothing”

  1. I guess they feel the cost to NATO for alienating them is high enough that they can work on other alliances now.

    1. Let them join BRICS so we can kick them out of NATO, then start treating them like the hostile nation that they are.

      1. steve
        Standard consideration is that a fighter plane is “ready” 50% of the time. F-35 is officially ready only 35% of the time, but actually only about 19% of the time. 35 is a very complex piece of equipment, and there are not enough skilled tech’s to keep it in the ready state.

    1. Failing currencies? Which of the BRICS nations is suffering hyperinflation? If not, by definition it will eventually not matter to any BRICS country how much/little of any Western FIAT currency their money buys.

      Also, what, exactly, do they buy from the West? Currently, the vast majority of such purchasing appears to be lumber and weapons. And BRICS has both in spades.

      1. Turkey, Brazil and South Africa are not hyperinflating, but their inflation rates are much higher than anything in the West. They are all fiat currencies, BTW, and, like every fiat currency in existence, are just derivatives of the US dollar.

        1. Which is why they are moving to a commodity currency. By the way, Canadian and US inflation are really bad also. And no, don’t use the World Bank numbers- the US government is now fudging their data all up and down the line, to try to maintain confidence in the dollar.

      1. Quite. NATO used to be the good guys. After the Berlin wall fell, it became an offensive (sic) organization, bombing the crap out of little countries. Russia isn’t a little country and NATO reveals itself by running out of ammunition.

  2. The sanctions related to the US proxy war with Russia has opened the eyes of others that falling out of favour with the US demonstrates the downside of having to buy commodities with US dollars. The reserve currency status of the US dollar is no longer secure. WW3 is being fought on several fields besides kinetic warfare. Besides, the BRICS currently have more intelligent leadership than the US and most of the west.

    1. In order to upend the reserve status of the US dollar, you need to have a federal government credit rating that is superior to that of Uncle Sam and also a complete absence of capital controls. Which of the BRICS nations has that?

      1. The US credit rating is provided by
        … US-based ratings agencies. The true US credit rating is the rating implied by US bond auction fill rate. Currently the US bonds at auction are being bought by the US Fed. So no, US credit rating sucks. And they are effectively in default to every country they have sanctioned. That’s around 50 countries. That isn’t global reserve currency territory anymore, mate.

  3. Turkey is in it, to win it.. NATO kept communism away and now they have no interest in being a bit player anymore.. Wealth is wealth.. The idea that its somehow tied to freedom and democracy is wrong..

    Was a time.. When it just so happened that all the richest nations on earth were democracies.. We let that cold war BS go to our heads.. It had nothing to do with idiots voting and everything to do with the industrial revolution..

    1. Turkey is bogged down in a ruinously expensive war in Syria. They’re not winning anything, any time soon.

      1. Dennis
        Try waking up to reality, yer statement would be a damn good reason to join BRICS, as Russia can show/help them with the Syria problem. Also Russia’s credit rating is better than Germany’s, and their economic out put is also better than Germany’s. Germany is/was the alpha economy in the EU.

  4. Perhaps Turkey simply looks at Debt-to-GDP ratios … and see the USA teetering on the brink of disaster as …

    USA debt is 110% of GDP at $35 Trillion
    Russian Federation debt is 23% of GDP at $47 Billion

    Time to leave the sinking boat, eh?

      1. And with EVERYTHING overinflating … esp. the Stock Market … as consumers are tightening down … that 3% GDP growth is an illusion. It’s about to come CRASHING DOWN … HARD.

  5. My small town of 12K is increasingly welcoming Brazillians. They are so excited to be in Canada. It only takes about 2 years for them to realize the CD Feds aren’t any different.
    Then they are grateful to be in Alberta.
    How long will that last??

  6. This is actually kind of funny in a macabre sort of way. Last year, the US State Department traveled to Turkey and warned them about skirting around sanctions with Russia. That “advice” was promptly ignored, and highlighted by this application to join BRICS. Turkey just gave the State Department (and the US) the middle finger (actually, both middle fingers).

    THIS…is why the US needs strong and decisive leaders in the Oval Office and not some old man taking incessant vacations to Delaware beaches.

  7. Turkey hosted the Ukraine Russia negotiations in March 2022 which would have ended the war on favourable terms. Russia was already withdrawing when Bojo flew in to nix the peace and ensure that under Nato’s direction over half a million Ukrainian men would be slaughtered and its economy ruined. I guess witnessing Natostan’s insanity may be a strong motivation for Turkey to find allies elsewhere.

  8. That BRICs, nominally, will be a gold-backed Currency Trading Bloc, I’m thinking the global competition bar has now been raised when it comes to reliable delivery terms. Going to get very interesting, as I don’t think the TBTF banks are nimble enough to make the necessary adjustments. Too sclerotic. Time will tell. These are GOOD trade wars to have happen, not bad.
