21 Replies to “Mischief Is Important”

  1. I know people with TDS.. They talk to me as if I have TDS.. Weird bubble people who (you would think) would know better than talk politics with acquaintances..

    Troll alert.. They complain left and right about everything that’s wrong.. Gain my trust, so they can talk badly about me later.. Smoking out the Trump supporters.. I can smell a commie a mile away..

    1. BINGO. They assume you also have TDS like all right-thinking people.

      About 45 years ago a reacquaintance with a long ago friend included his question on the phone: Do you vote NDP? and he added that all right-thinking do.

  2. Would that there was a Canadian version because thanks to our media TDS has successfully migrated north of the border. Personally I think sanctimonious Canadians use it as a red herring to divert attention away from the gaggle of retards currently in Ottawa.

    1. Canada has its very own TDS.
      Trudeau Derangement Syndrome.
      Although deranged doesn’t come close to actually describing the depths of idiocy you need to plumb in order to vote for the Ponce.
      Thanks ladies.

      1. Yeah, it’s interesting that the only demographic Trudeau leads in right now is women over 50.

        Independence is not for most Canadians, they enjoy the comfort of the nanny state.

        1. As a woman over 50 all I can say is I didn’t know my fellow women were so vulnerably stupid. Although most of them lined up for the jibby jab like good little lemmings, and most continue to get the booster. Even after you point out how many of them suddenly have strange cancers.

          I apologize for my fellow women. It seems our age group is either very cynical or very brainwashed.

          1. Kathy Shaidle used to say that she’d gladly give up her vote if it meant all women had to.

          2. Pandora:

            Well said.
            The Donald had known how nutty too many Western women are, hence his tendency to go for Eastern European ladies, who are actual ladies like in the golden olden daze.

          3. Meh. Don’t be so hard on your sex Pandora…I have a brother who fits that description to a T.

      2. Before 1970, politics was mostly a “male sport”, and most Canadian women were not very interested. Fortunately, I grew up in Alberta, with older parents having differing views. Mom was a well-educated Liberal of the day and Dad was Southern Alberta Conservative. Dad was a bit politically active, so we did have some conversations, and the University of Calgary had a “model parliament” as a social club. I loved watching the televised political conventions on one of our two TV channels with Dad.

        When I lived and worked in Eastern Canada, I learned to never discuss politics, except with trusted friends, as almost everyone voted “Liberal”, unless they grew up in smaller communities.

    2. “Personally I think sanctimonious Canadians use it as a red herring to divert attention away from the gaggle of retards currently in Ottawa.”

      Bingo! The wife’s family is Trump, Trump, Trumping 24/7. I tell them that turdo has them right where he wants: staring at The Big Orange Squirrel while he is robbing them blind and ruining their country.

  3. Very clever idea but it could stand to be tightened up a bit. It’s too long and the background music is too loud.
    Nicole Shanahan is a national treasure; the Dems were sure stupid to let her get away.

  4. Here in the SF Bay Area … EVERYONE has TDS. And it’s always wide open and on display. It’s always in your face. And yes … most of my neighbors and friends routinely approach me breathlessly “recruiting” me to nod in agreement when telling me about Trump’s latest OUTRAGEOUS statement. And yes … I just nod along, and shake my head … ohhhhhhhhhh mommmmaaaaaaa … I tell them in return. They walk away satisfied they’ve done their good deed for the day. Little do they know that I not only vote for Trump, but I’m a donor too.

    1. Im sorry but you are part of the problem. I was but now, i would rather openly show my support for Trump and lose a friend than agree like a idiot to keep one. Buts thats just me. Agreeing only condones what is happening. We need to speak up and make the TDS idiots the issue, not our support for Trump which is grounded in reality

      1. I still need to work … earn a living in my community. As such, I cannot risk revealing my true politics. This area is simply too toxic to do so. When I vacate CA … and move to the plains of Montana … I will fly a 10’x20’ Trump flag from my 30’ flagpole.

    2. Yes, and my conservative-voting dual citizen Can-AM daughter who lives in greater LA is registered as a Democrat for strategic employment purposes.

  5. Many, many years ago, I supported the NDP. For one election, I even went door knocking. My territory for this was one of the poorer neighborhood. They were a bit hostile –very suspicious of the NDP. At the time I could not understand this as I felt the NDP was especially good for the poorest segment of society. Boy, was I dumb.

  6. I also voted NDP strategically once, in Ottawa, as the only loud voice opposing the Libbs was a wise, mature woman. The Conservatives presented a not-so-bright neophyte, as if they had already given up on the riding.

    She was not asking for alms $$$$$, just accountability.
