20 Replies to “Monday On Turtle Island”

  1. l wish some web sites opted for something more user friendly
    other than light grey lettering on white

    1. Look around.
      There’s lots of sites with all the colors of the rainbow.
      And in your case, without the added aggravation of making you think.
      All white with a bit of black is just about perfect.

  2. The guy that stood up to Trudeau can look forward to trouble with the CRA, with CSIS monitoring all his communications, and the RCMP trying to find dirt on him or create it. Welcome to Canada c. 2024

      1. Trudeau’s opposition aren’t any prizes either.
        How do Conservatives constantly lose to the idiots running the always lying, mathless, borderless, free speech-less, inflation and debt causing, war mongering Liberal Party?
        Let me count the ways…………
        (Please note that we have had to censor the many ways due to their graphic and vomit inducing depictions, but mostly because the memories bring on paroxysms of uncontrollable, neverending fits of laughter.)

        If you want to understand Canadian Conservatives, watch the annual “Lucy holds the football for Charlie Brown” and notice how, yet again, Lucy pulls the ball on naive Charlie. He never learns.
        Much like how Conservative Leaders pull their conservative ideals after the election.

          1. But, but, but………….one of the main 2 parties is actually called Conservative.
            Getting roughly 6 million votes the last couple of elections.
            Touted as the next Government.
            Campaigning on Conservative policies.
            But results. Not so much.
            Like many/all previous ones.
            Something’s wrong in Denmark’s backyard methinks.
            Oh Conservatives..Wherefore art thou?

  3. Jesus, the guy even paddles gay.
    If you’re getting your picture taken with Juthtin you’ve either got shit for brains, you’re a fag or plain retarded.
    The exception being Thirst Nations Grifters.

    1. He paddles gay at the front of the canoe because he doesn’t know how to steer a canoe or a country.

  4. Halal. Won’t patronize any establishment succumbing. Our local butcher may soon be the ‘last man standing’.
    When he loses his shop it’ll be raising chickens in the backyard. Revenge on every dog and cat owner in the neighbourhood (maniacal laugh).

    1. KFC has bent the knee and is paying the Dhimmi Tax, I’m sure there will be others too, if they are successful, they’ll move on to Taco Bell, Pizza Hut, and The Habit Burger Grill.

      Of course, why the company would decide to increase their costs, and alienate some of their customers, is never adequately explained.

    1. Union leadership (generally hard left) loves Trudeau.

      Union members most likely can’t stand el Turd.
