56 Replies to “September 2, 2024: Reader Tips”

    1. The couple Persians I have, both women, were sweethearts. Incidentally they did not call themselves Iranian so as not to be mistaken for lunatics.

    1. But Canadians remain silent. Like the sheep that they are (I said “they”, because as so many have told me so many times, I am not really a Canadian, even though I was born in this country, and lived here all my life, but I digress) Like the sheep that THEY are, they will lie down, and say to our jack-booted government dictatorial authoritarians, “More, please!”
      Yeah! Please pay for my food. Please pay for my health care. Please pay for my college tuition, and what really takes the cake… Please pay for my reparations! Geez!
      Then ask these clowns “who is going to pay for all that?” and they’ll give you a stupid answer like “the government, of course” or they’ll give you this dumbfounded look like they’re surprised that somebody somewhere down the line actually does have to pay for all this!
      You think that Newsmax host is angry? Have him talk to me!

      1. fc
        ” even though I was born in this country”
        even though I was shat in this country!

        There fixed fer ya


        1. Didn’t need fixing GYM, but you, OTOH… You are one fine piece of work. You need to be overhauled.
          Check that… You are beyond overhauling. You need to be written off!

      2. There are far too many stupid canadians out there who want something for nothing. Combine that with the millions of welfare immigrants and we have a real recipe for disaster.

        1. but the disaster is just a convenient side effect of the liberal lust for power.
          AND conveniently gives them an opportunity to fix something they broke.

          rinse and repeat the entire 20th century and same old same old in the 21st

    1. Covid was the seasonal flu rebranded. It was no more deadly than any flu season, the vaxxes and policies undertaken by government were deadly.

    1. Last October I twice saw groups of people on the subway demanding that riders prove they weren’t “Zionists” by demanding “donations” to “Free Palestine”.

      I guess they were too stupid to realize that “palestine” is a reference to “Syriana-Palestina” what the Romans named the region as an insult to the Jews who refused to give up their beliefs. “Syriana” was a reference to the Assyrians who lived in what is now northern Iraq, and “Palestina” was the insult, a reference to the Phillistines who lived in a part of what is now “Gaza” and were invaders from Crete.

      As far as I know the Toronto Police Service and the Toronto Transit Commission did nothing about these shakedowns.

    1. European countries are suffering a demographic nightmare. Better the kids breed and the old people die in war.

  1. Canadian journalist Stevie Cameron has passed. She was a lefty who I couldn’t stand especially when she wrote her book on Mulroney – “ON the Take”.

    I was a brown shirt in the Conservative army at the time and didn’t want to believe the things she alleged.

    Turns out I was wrong on Mulroney. He was everything she said he was and more. He was a laurentian crook, one of the boys from quebekkie.

    I still have her book. I might read it again this winter.

    1. Mulroney was a liberal, who couldn’t fit in with the crooks in the Liberal Party, so he ran as a Conservative. It was a fertile field for him.

      1. “Mulroney was a liberal, who couldn’t fit in with the crooks in the Liberal Party, so he ran as a Conservative. It was a fertile field for him.”

        Yup…’Progressive’ Conservative = Liberal Lite. Always has.

      2. My guess is he was a plant by the Demarais crowd. They knew that after 16 years of PET the country was ripe for change. They dressed up their boy lyin’ brian as a PC and the rest is history.

        The laurentian elite have a horse or two in every race.

      3. Two good things about Mulroney, Free Trade (NOT NAFTA) and the GST. Helped open the door to US markets.

        BTW, NAFTA was a death knell for Canadian manufacturing. A lot of companies went to Mexico as there was no wage parity like there was between the US and Canada

  2. Man Sentenced to 17 Years for Global Sextortion Scheme Targeting Children

    Ars Technica reports that Muhammad Zain Ul Abideen Rasheed, currently living in Australia, has been sentenced to 17 years in prison for his role in what police are calling “one of the worst sextortion cases in history.” Rasheed, who pleaded guilty to 119 charges involving 286 people, posed as a famous teenage YouTuber to gain the trust of his victims before blackmailing them into providing sexual content…
