The New Economy

As is typical, the leftist corporate media is dancing around the real reason why automakers are looking to close plants: tapped out car buyers cannot afford to fund ruinously expensive EV mandates.

Volkswagen is weighing whether to close factories in Germany for the first time in its 87-year history as it moves to deepen cost cuts amid rising competition from China’s electric vehicle makers.

“The European automotive industry is in a very demanding and serious situation,” said Volkswagen Group CEO Oliver Blume. “The economic environment became even tougher, and new competitors are entering the European market. Germany in particular as a manufacturing location is falling further behind in terms of competitiveness.

35 Replies to “The New Economy”

  1. Could it be that it’s falling behind because of the messed up electrical market has raised inputs beyond the level of recoverable?

  2. ‘Germany in particular as a manufacturing location is falling further behind in terms of competitiveness.’

    One of the 1st prerequisites of manufacturing is a competitive supply of energy.
    Both for the manufacturing process and also so the poor consumer has something left over to support a major purchase besides being tapped out by exorbitantly high energy bills that of course affect every aspect of living in a modern industrial society.
    The greedy powers that be have spectacularly failed to comprehend that a high tide should raise ALL boats .
    The mothers have made living comfortably within one’s means a nigh near impossibility and now the piper wants to be paid.

    Let the race to the bottom continue !

  3. Volkswagen is hunting for subsidies.

    Perhaps, at the behest of unions, the German government will nationalize Volkswagen, so that it truly becomes a volkswagen company.

  4. Crypto communist Merkel started the trend, and their watermelon partners, the Greens, are finishing off Germany’s once proud and vibrant industry.
    If they close the plants in the Fatherland, should they change the name of the company to Señorwagen?

  5. I’m not exactly sure how China is to blame for the government subsidies you all took.. Be honest now..

    The people setup and interested in EVs have gotten them already.. The rest of the population see it as a Cuban car embargo.. Drive the car I have for the next 50 years.. I’m sure the insurance companies will shake that down soon enough.. 10 years old?.. That’s an extra 300 a month.. Gotta pay for those lithium fires..

    Again.. Most drivers will not have access to a proper home charging station.. One house, 3 EVs.. I don’t know what you are smoking but on Friday night I want to pickup dinner and come home.. Only to find my kids EVs cued up for Saturdays adventures.. Oh boy, I will just finish my overpriced dinner and head off to a charging station..

    And hour every 2 days is 3.5 hours a week.. 14 hours a month.. 168 hours a year.. A full week, give or take..
    Or another way of looking at it.. A month at work at 40 hours a week.. Congrats, you now work 13 months a year..

    1. “The people setup and interested in EVs have gotten them already.. ”

      That’s what I’ve always thought. At 70k Canadian for a Tesla, everyone who has the money to virtue-signal like that has probably already done so. When the surveys say that 64% of EV owners don’t plan to buy another one, that must be catching the attention of the automakers.

      1. EVs have pushed insurance rates up for regular i c e vehicles. One new car and one five year old SUV, insurance for two went from $139 a month to $215 a month. Accident and theft free for decades.

  6. The translation of “Folks” in Spanish is either Gente, Familia, Amigo, Padre so just add “wagen” to any of these. I sort of like Amigowagen myself. I think part of the problem has been using the price on ICE vehicles to subsidize the EV costs. Just jack up the price of your ICE vehicles so you can lower the cost of your EVs, but all you end up doing is pissing off your loyal customers once all the virtue signallers has bought their EVs. The part that bugs me as well is all the Gov’t subsidies (paid for by the taxpayer) to get people into these disposable pieces of crap, like the windmill blades, these things will be filling landfills in the future. Look at the Nissan Leaf, still under battery warranty but there are no replacement batteries available so the cars aren’t usable while the range continues to drop. What can you do with the husk of a Nissan Leaf – tiny home for the homeless in Vancouver?

  7. Ha! VW will be the LAST Manufacturer to abandon Germany for “greener” pastures … as in green cash. Because the “green” policies of Germany have driven up the cost of energy beyond what any company can withstand. Robots, schmobots … Unionistas be damned … it’s the cost of energy that will drive VW OUT of Deutschland.

  8. Whenever I see stories like this I re-run the clip in my mind of Trump talking straight at the UN and the German delegates smirking at him like he’s an idiot.

  9. Don’t worry, VW. Our twat twins, Blubber douggie and turdo la doo, will bail you out.

  10. You can’t compete with China on price. Plus the Germans have stuck so much plastic in their engines their cars aren’t reliable over the long term. So reliability is gone. Add to that todays cars are 30% software and Germans can’t code – they can only engineer. So what advantage do the Germans have over the Chinese? It’s still engineering. But they are making cars so complex that they have become unreliable and very expensive. Todays cars are over-engineered and too expensive. That plays right into the hands of the Chinese.

    1. The present day Mercedes have lots of cheap plastic parts to their cars. Not reliable at all. They seemed to want to compete with cheap Asian cars. They only succeeded in ruining their reputation.

      1. and yet still the most expensive on the market. If you buy a mercedes or BMW lease for four years and give it back before the problems start

    2. Germans can’t code – they can only engineer

      I recall in the early ’10s talking with a co-worker from the German office who said the prevailing attitude over there was that PCs were a fad and mainframes were coming back Any Minute Now.

    3. Let’s be fair to BMW and their water pumps with breakable plastic impellers, plastic radiators, plastic valve covers and a host of other 75k mile guaranteed replacement parts … it’s the CAFE fuel efficiency standards that caused the automakers to ditch heavy parts like a MUSK mission to Mars

      *sigh* … it’s just a $$ trade off for everything else that is just so RIGHT about the Ultimate Driving machine.

  11. Forget EVs. Who can afford ANY new car?

    Someone needs make a $20,000 car. Nothing fancy, does the job.

    Small gasoline engine. 120hp, 45mpg, not built like a plastic Easter egg. People would buy millions.

    1. Cars like that are being built. For much less than $20K. They just can’t sell them in north America.

  12. To make that even more attractive: 0 to 60 mph in under 7 seconds … with a box that will hold a moose.

    1. Don’t need to go that crazy. Still want to be able to merge on the highway without dying.
      I do want some Modern safety. Airbags, abs, crumple zones, etc.
      That’s why I said 20 instead of 10

  13. just[inTURDeau] got off wit’ his namesake on the fone.
    the $15,000,000,000 battry plante in SW ontariowe is a go.
    or like the other day thinking out loud on the bus (hey, lm going green!) musing about
    the topic about how the *pace* at which batteries can *take on* the energy to move from a to b would dissuade ANYBODY with comnmon sense.
    try this: sit and watch a video of YOUR ev getting charged from zip to 100%. all else the same. BEFORE deciding to buy and lock in the process.
    way way way way TOOOO MUCH not yet addressed. gawd l can see it coming, its going to be another ungodly cockup. doomed to fail. a mega mega mega project get us all to ‘plug in’ and . . . . . . . . . . . . scant places reliable and available.
    people losing their job because of lateness or extreme difficulties no matter what measures. insurance huge huge leaps so many fires that wont snuff out.

    meanwhile those who dumped it on our heads with VOTERS APPROVAL AND NECESSARY COOPERATION, are busy taking the back rouets or the exclusive routes like the special traffic lanes in moscow for party elites.

  14. World leaders (WEF types) really want people to greatly lower their expectations for their standard of living going forward. Exorbitantly expensive transportation is an excellent way to sneakily achieve this. People are slowly getting caged without realizing it.

  15. VW canada is listing their new electro micro bus as starting as $82,000.
    Starting. At. Eighty. Two. Thousand. Dollars.

  16. The neofuedalists don’t want their captive peasants going anywhere. EVs are an interim measure to offer the illusion of mobility while they reduce reliable energy sources to charge them. Once we’re locked within 15min cities, using CBDCs to buy bugs, we won’t be in a position to question our overlords as to why they signed the UN Agenda 2030, currently being implemented. Alex Jones is the only one who bothered to read the fine print.

  17. Global Governments created the problem, but auto makers jumped on the bandwagon for all that lovely tax payer’s money.
