Brazil Should Serve as a Warning, not a Playbook

Brazil is no longer a free democracy. This should frighten Americans.

16 Replies to “Brazil Should Serve as a Warning, not a Playbook”

  1. The voters in Brazil decided that freedom was too burdensome so voted in caring far left regime so they could stop working and worrying about making a living and stuff like that.

    Canada did the same thing with Trudeau.
    It always ends badly.
    Meanwhile … it’s entertaining to watch when the realization of what they have done ‘sinks in’.


  2. “This should frighten Americans”? Americans voted for totalitarian statism 3 of the last 4 presidential elections with one protest vote for a loose cannon populist. That should frighten the planet.

    Brazil going Banana Republic? – mas que nada.

  3. Re: Kamala Harris. Having observed Kamala Harris in action these past few years, what has stood out is her glaring inability to put together a sentence or phrase that expresses a thought or an idea. Why has no one asked the question of how she was able to academically survive in a Montreal private high school? Forty-five years ago in Canada, high school (especially the private ones here Ontario) was the academic institution that filtered those who were capable to attending university and those whose paths led elsewhere (the trades, technical school, etc). Perhaps this was the same high school Justin Trudeau attended since this is his riding. However, two high-profile, former students who are very “unintelligent” raises the question of the possibility if that particular high school’s administration allowed rich patrons’ feeble-minded offspring to graduate and receive glowing university letters of recommendation if large endowments were “donated” in tribute. Or, perhaps Kamala was already plying her trade, which she used very effectively in climbing the ranks of California politics, amongst her male teachers in order to pass.

    1. “He has lost his privilege …”

      Hey dummy! The US Constitution isn’t a recital of “privileges” granted by the government. Quite the opposite … they are RIGHTS bestowed by The Creator. Inalienable RIGHTS! Meaning you cannot alienate them by redefining FREE SPEECH as a “privilege”.

  4. If people’s eyes weren’t opened in 2020, they don’t deserve ‘freedom’. I don’t even try to illustrate it to anyone anymore. They censored the freaking president of the United States.

  5. If American police behaved like UK (or Canadian) police, they would be facing billions in civil suits and criminal charges.
    In America, there are still many judges who adhere to the principles set forth in the Constitution.
