28 Replies to “He Admires Their Basic Dictatorship”

    1. I’m sure the Trudeau Liberal-NDP government will quickly compensate western farmers just as fast Trudeau would compensate Quebec industries harmed by similar actions. Then the sun will rise in the west and set in east. Pigs will fly. And, the Trudeau government will go an entire month without a new scandal.

      1. Just my opinion but… with a population of 1.4 billion, wouldn’t it have a higher impact restricting food rather than steel, aluminum and wheat? Seems to me that Canada is within a position of power. Wheat excepted.

  1. The #Libranos have no problem sacrificing western canadian farmers for their green ideology.

    It’s not like the #Libranos are going to lose any votes on this matter. It’s not like the west is going to hate the #Libranos more than they already do, that’s simply not possible, the meter is pegged already.

    It’s not like there isn’t enough #Librano MP’s similar in preferences to this week’s appointment of “independent” senators. Maybe most of them already lean that way, but note there wasn’t any need to appoint farmers to the senate. Nobody needs to be “THAT” diverse. There’s no votes to pick up from farms.

    Just keeping the “what’s at stake” to the #Libranos in focus, they don’t care at all, and don’t feed me any lies in that regard.

    It’s not like China is going to be too concerned of people there not having enough to eat, they can just call it another Great Leap Forward while the canola heads to India, or wherever…

    Do the #Libranos know that near broke Canadians don’t have enough in funds to buy other country’s garbage EV’s with ranges of 125 kilometres in January? No? who cares anyways…

    1. The bigger problem is there isn’t another market than can absorb 70% of our Canola Seed Crop. We can probably look forward to another 3 year long Chinese market ban like we had in 2018 to 2021

      1. How do Canadians out in rape seed country feel about RFK and his whole “seed oil” thing? Canola oil especially is the latest healthfood boogeyman.

        Take canola oil out of animal and people feed like they want to, gonna have to find an industrial use. make biodiesel out of it or something.

        1. I don’t as a rule don’t eat any seed oils.
          But, when you dine out, you do.
          When you eat snacks you do.
          It’s everywhere except what you cook from scratch.
          Why? Because they are cheap and highly processed with high temps.

        2. In 2022, to “great fanfare” Federated Co-operatives along with AGT Foods announced they were building a $2 billion “renewable diesel fuel and canola crushing plant” producing about 15,000 barrels a day. Scheduled for opening in 2027.

          What I can’t find is any progress information on that build, or the one in BC, or in Alberta.

          Also, it’s not clear what they plan to do with all the meal they make.

          1. governments dont tend to update failures. I was just checking on the gaza pier. seems to have broken up and disappeared for close to six months now .

    2. Precisely Marc

      They could give a shit….an attitude that’s been prevalent since the Mid ’60’s
      We MUST leave this CON of a federation…To Stay is Economic suicide.

  2. The government has no issue in sacrificing the export of 70% of our Canola Seed Crop, in defence of their “green” EV fantasies. (in 2023/2024 China bought 4,353,052 of 6,170,292 Metric Tonnes of Canola Seed (70%) and 1,897,778 of 5,144,002 Metric Tonnes of Canola Seed Meal(37%).

    They also have no issue that the average price has dropped from a height of $1,045.01 per tonne in 2022 towards it’s long term average of $550 per tonne, trading at an average of $695.78 per tonne this year.

  3. Maybe we need a plant to turn canola into ethanol or biodiesel. Are there enough carbohydrates in it to do that?

    And Canadians are going to have to pay more and more for their groceries before they realize that the current regime in Ottawa hates farmers. A painful education is in order.

  4. The world population will start to shrink soon. First, slowly, then fast. Looking into the future, a lot of traditional food crops will have reduced markets and will be re-purposed, likely for fuel. Thanks to China for offering an opportunity to accelerate the process.

    1. Bert

      “…The world population will start to shrink soon..”

      “Planned Parenthood” has been working on this for Decades..
      30- somethings cant afford a home – so No baby making
      Those that took the jab, have little to no chance of healthy babies if they are even able to conceive let alone go to term without issues.
      All the Woke Trans Shit certainly isn’t helping…
      Importing 3-4 million walking bits of Filth to replace us…

      I Truly fear for my 2 Adult Girls 30/32

    1. You’re on everybody’s case, aren’t you, GYM?
      Why do you feel the need to be so bellicose all the time?

      1. Oh, I think we can safely say that it’s a sense of personal inadequacy that motivates this guy. Perhaps “recognition” is a better word than “sense”.

  5. And cancer rates in China will plummet. If people stopped buying crap food I wouldn’t have to see so many thousands of acres of land destroyed with this toxic crop. Canadian farmers should grow food for Canadians. Step further they should grow food for their neighbours. Nobody healthy eats this crap.

  6. How is it considered Dumping? They have to bring it in, it’s not like Canada just stuck it on a boat, unloaded it, & expected to be paid.
    Canola meal delivered to Washington State is US$298-308 per short ton, down from $339-356 the last year or so.
    Eljay_ What crop would you desire we grow? Pay the price & we will fall all over ourselves to grow it. Until then, Canola is part of the rotation.

  7. The picture in the link, spraying Round-up on wheat to kill it and then harvest it a few days later. I know this happens but I remain surprised that it is still fit to be consumed. I don’t think there is any testing for residuals.

  8. If we lived in Quebec and were part of a marketing board our compensation would already be announced. Just saying.

  9. Heard some farmers rotate only canola and store it.
    Others harvest and truck direct to oilseed plant.
    Spraying crops before harvest makes the harvest go faster. Seed and plant dries, goes thru combine fast. Not sure it’s all good for the product, consumer, soil.
    We don’t consume it.
    Lotsa choices in life.
