“If God won’t give me a boy body in heaven then Jesus is a f*ggot”

Tennessee Star has released The Nashville Manifesto;

On Tuesday, The Tennessee Star and Editor-in-Chief Michael Patrick Leahy released 90 pages of writings left by Covenant School killer Audrey Elizabeth Hale. The Covenant Killer’s 2023 Journal, which was handwritten by Hale between January and March of 2023, can be downloaded here.

The journal was legally obtained by The Star from a source familiar with the investigation in June 2024. It was recovered from Hale’s vehicle by officers with the Metro Nashville Police Department (MNPD), along with a spiral notebook, after her March 27, 2023 attack on the Covenant School, where she murdered three 9-year-old children and three adult staff members before she was killed by MNPD officers.

Via @scrowder.

18 Replies to ““If God won’t give me a boy body in heaven then Jesus is a f*ggot””

  1. … THIS … is what the FBLIE doesn’t want you to know. That “transgender” patients are just that … patients … mentally ill patients who should all be committed. Because they are a danger to themselves and others.

    And what did three lovely little 9yo girls DO to deserve getting MURDERED by this nutbar? Nothing.

  2. Enabling the mentally ill begets madness.
    None of these people are, by any standard, sane.
    I’m a man in a woman’s body is no different than I’m a worm in a snail’s body or I’m an orangutan in a baboon’s body.
    There is no evolutionary cut-off point.
    Higher order animals don’t get to decide that they don’t like their chromosomes.
    Sure, there’s the odd human hermaphrodite, but that’s different as well.
    And body dysmorphia is seen as a mental illness, so why are these nutbars given free reign?
    Any medical people feeding instead of treating these people’s mental illness should be dipped in creosote and made into patio lanterns ala Nero with Christians.

    1. “….so why are these nutbars given free reign?”

      Deliberate provocation and disruption.

      Calculated “messing with the heads” of actual REAL PEOPLE. Also intended to “push” others over the edge. Madness is contagious.

      As Scottish journalist, Charles Mackay put it, in 1841:

      “Men, it has been well said, think in herds: It will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, and one by one”.

      Does anyone else find it a bit odd that reporting of “suicides” is kept on a VERY short leash and a “choker chain”, but murder and mayhem are subject to endless mulling over of every minuscule detail and rumour, for weeks and sometimes months after the event? A set of “rules” seemingly calculated to “push” anothet ‘over-stressed” individual into providing more interesting copy and further foundations for more delusional LSM prognostication and dubious legislative action..

  3. Drugs and mental illness are two tools the CCP uses to destroy western culture.
    And drug companies use mental illness for profits $$$$$$$

  4. The entire transgernder movement is based on the idea any mental illness comes from having gender dysphoria and no other treatment than transition is required.

    We have a family friend’s son where if you examine his personal videos going back six years it is obvious he was depressed. Somehow he ended up on the trans tract and now he’s a she and (s)he is blaming all her problems and her depression on how no one accepts her as a female. (S)he is hoping for surgery so she finally have the body that matches her gender. I doubt that will make anything better.

    1. Well said. Her understanding of Jesus was faulty, to say the least. Something tells me she is currently in a place where she’s not having a good time. To put it mildly.

  5. Lots of disturbed young women out there. Way more than in the past. Thank you Democrat party. Thank you public schools. Thank you academia. Thank you TikTok. Thank you Hollywood. Thank you medical establishment. Thank you lib media. May you all burn in hell for what you’ve wrought.

    1. No wonder the Democrat Party’s primary platform is “acceptance” … nay, “celebration” of whatever anyone chooses to “be” … no matter how bloody INSANE.

  6. Reading these comments reminded me of Tom Campbell’s MBToe- aka My Big Theory Of Everything.
    He’s posted a rather lengthy PDF (free to read) titled Primal Man Primal Woman, delving into the individual consciousness that drives men and women differently and its evolution over the eons.
    If so inclined, pour yourself a beverage and prepare for a unique, very topical & most insightful read.


    You will not be disappointed.

  7. Wind me up and watch me go.. I can think of a lot of reasons to be unhappy in this world.. But this is beyond understanding.. How did we get from Tomboy lesbian to mass murder?..

    Or did we.. Every loser who feels the need to SNAP will pen a manifesto to comfort themselves.. When they’re your own terms, you don’t really need to be honest, do you.. The sad tale of why I did it is often, I just wanted too..

    Where is the money in that?..

  8. All of this SHIT is part n parcel of the Globalist Cabal’s plan.

    1: Defund the police
    2: Let criminals out with a slap on the wrist so as to ENSURE they re-offend.
    3: Woke Trans Idiocy
    4: State Censorship
    5: Mass migration of Human GARBAGE (see line 2)
    6: Continuous WAR
    7: Stolen Elections (World Wide)
    8: Continuance of supposed Pandemics
    9: Cloud Seeding – ChemTrails
    10: Genetically altering Mosquitos so as to pierce your skin with mRNA & other disease
    11: Destroying Viable Farmland for useless Solar/Wind Installations that produce SFA.
    12: Continual Media/Govt push for EV’s
    13: Continually TRASH “fossil fuels”
    14: Media propaganda: LIES & BS 24/7
    15: Insane Taxation Levels
    16: Make ALL Drugs legal (See BC)

    I’m sure there’s more…But every line above has the same IDENTICAL GOAL

