12 Replies to “Program Notes”

  1. There was a popular X/Tweet today regarding the other candidate, she pretended to be “on the phone” as she walked by the reporters and refused / ignored requests for questions, scurried up the stairs to her Veep gov’t jet, and turned to wave for about 0.5 seconds before entering the confines of the plane.

    She just couldn’t be bothered. The complete opposite of someone like DJT who’s willing to sit and take questions for lengths on whatever the topic at hand may be.

    I’m not a fan of Lex’s mannerisms, maybe because of his accent (though I’m not bothered by other Russian accents) but his interviews and questions are always polite, respectful, and interesting.


    2 months and 1 frantic weekend.

  2. It should be good, as Lex is a savvy interviewer, with a paced delivery, sharp questions, and a fast mind.

  3. that makes 6 or 8 hour plus long interviews that Trump has sat down for, compared to the 48 minute long interview Kamala sat for with her emotional support Walz that got cut down to 18 minutes.

    1. It appears that Joe Biden and Donald Trump use tanning beds and so have the tell-tale sign of lightness around their eyes where they wear the goggles to prevent problems with their eyes. Because of their respective ages, I think they think that tanning makes them look healthy.
      To each their own. I have spent close to $ 3,000 in laser treatments to remove age spots and other skin problems associated with tanning (I am Celtic and fair skinned). I wear lots of sun screen now and avoid the hot time of the day.

    1. Thanks for link. Glad to hear Trump asked about Jeffrey Epstein files and his willingness to release them to the public – about 43-44 minute mark

  4. Is Alex too cool to smile or something? More likely he doesn’t want to offend those sensitive progs who listen to his interviews. Fairy.
