18 Replies to “Tuesday On Turtle Island”


        It’s not hard to look it up. Try Goggle

        The news has been talking about this for the past few days.

  1. Fox News showed a clip where Kamala Harris told conman Al Sharpton, that she supports reparations for slavery.

  2. Earlier this year Canada’s Justice Minister had a meeting in South Parkdale – Toronto where he promised his Online Harms Act would “permanently silence” anti-immigrants, Islamophobes and transphobes.

    In the meantime the media keeps on repeating Virani’s claims that it is only meant to prevent online child porn and online revenge porn though both of those items are already serious crimes in Canada’s Criminal Code and will otherwise not affect ordinary Canadians.

    The Act gives rewards of up to $20,000 to those who report people who have seen posts or emails that indicate the person may in the future post offensive things, not that the person has already committed a crime, but that they are afraid they might commit a thought crime in the future. And those who do report others get to remain permanently anonymous to the person they are reporting to the authorities. It sounds like an East Germany Stasi law to me.
