3 Replies to “Documentary: The True Story of Abbey Gate”

  1. Wow! That was so eye opening.
    The very meaning of having a purpose in life and fulfilling that goal. 13 men and women were on to their way. To be stopped dead in their path by suits.

    I can’t think of anything more to say than if you think you hate the democrats, you don’t hate them anywhere close to what they deserve!
    May god help us and put Donald J Trump back in the White House this November.

    1. Highly recommended viewing!! It’s infuriating that our bureaucratic ROE kept our snipers from WASTING the bomber while he was strolling toward Abbeygate.

  2. Are we comparing todays reality to yesterdays propaganda?.. To even ask such a question proves we are in decline.. Its important to not nail a cross to your back and drag it through the streets.. Because we know how that ends.. The resurrection of what?.. Propaganda?..

    Politics today reminds me of hoarders.. Everybody want to scoop it up and put in in a warehouse for safe keeping.. Sold on the black market later, to the highest bidder..
