19 Replies to “Free Education About Kamala Harris & Tim Walz”

    1. It’s actually the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. SOME people don’t like to hear the TRUTH for some reason??

    1. Well, the statue was a gift from the French grand temple of free masons to the American grand lodge.

    1. You are correct. It was a repeated meme I saw posted by assorted cat ladies on FB. I’ve changed “photo” to “image” to be more accurate.

      I do hope that some of you pass on this posting’s link to your lefty friends & family members, in the hope that they’ll be exposed to some important info for the very first time.

      1. Well TBF … about the image … “Black WOMEN are the people who built America”. Oh! And “America is stolen Land” … and EVERYONE should be paying rent to the local native tribes … yes, even the poor young leftists who are already living on government assistance … should be paying RENT for living on this stolen land!

        Ohhhhhh … the leftists don’t want to be $PAYING$ RENT for “living on stolen land”? They just want to flap their gums about how “the white man” … “stole the land”. Typical leftist nonsense.

    2. “That’s an AI concoction, not a photo. Right?”

      Mildly disturbing that they made her look so hot, isn’t it?

      (still betting that she backs out of the debate with Trump, though…)

  1. Maybe they’ll address the widespread property tax fraud achieved by systematically and fraudulently manipulating property value assessments. The guest on Rebel Capitalism maintains that it is to the tune of a trillion dollars annually across the country. It happens in Canada too. Barnes, Gammon, and guest are ringing the alarm bells because property owners are tapped out and the hoax is no longer sustainable. This issue, this scam, has deep and widespread ripple effects on the economy, a bit like the sub prime debacle.

    Oh wait, no, Kamala wants to amplify the fraud by collecting unrealized gains.

    1. Sorry, one more thing. There has been pushback and lawsuits. It is like spitting into the wind, or pulling on superman’s cape. Judges and AGs won’t touch this because it will pull the rug out from every level of government, school districts, banking, and the financial markets….

  2. Not to worry though, TPTB will auction off your property at a song to their cronies, to satisfy the delinquent tax debt.

  3. I think we need to start teaching survivor skills (street level) and how to live off grid to our children. As the west will collapse. There has been only forward movement to this ugly end. Doesn’t matter who is in power.

    1. What you call “collapse”, they call “progress.”
      It won’t be an anarchy, it will be a brutal totalitarianism.
