Peaceful Law Abiding Citizens Are The Real Villains’

Don’t even THINK about defending yourself.

Sun- Dramatic video shows daylight shooting in Hamilton

Global- Video of disturbing break-in fuels frustrations over west Edmonton crime

CCFR- Reporter @ChopsNitin asks why the Ontario Govt isn’t defending law-abiding citizens by granting home owners provincial rights to defend themselves, or their property, against violent home invaders.

8 Replies to “Peaceful Law Abiding Citizens Are The Real Villains’”

  1. l knew this back in 2005 kicked in the leg by a drunk at the VIA train station.
    ticket agent sells HIM a ticket but not me so l leave just in time cops show up refuse to believe me coming home from a church meeting blame everything on me and l get fined for trespassing.
    at a train station.
    by 2010 SEVEN cops in and around this shythole shittycity were all dead.
    and 3 family members.
    and 3 mayors in a row had their careers put thru a woodchipper.
    some of us really really are delighted when cops are shot to death.
    we arent pretending just to irritate.
    we really do look forward to the inevitable news stories of the worst bullies in the nation getting what they deserve.
    watch for lots of ‘blame the victim’ syndrome. they seem to have ‘caught on’ a new social trend. as long as they also ‘catch a bullet’ along the way.
    perhaps this makes my position crystal clear: thank you Ms Karma for killing cops.

  2. Always love how the guy’s with the 24hr armed security are concerned with keeping guns out of communities.

  3. Here in SF … you can shoot a First Round Draft Choice 49er in broad daylight … and end up in Juvenile Hall … not the County Jail. Because a 17yo with a semi-automatic handgun, looking to commit armed robbery … is just a “child”.

    And no. No photos or descriptions of the “youth” are allowed. The only description I could find, reportedly came from Pearsall himself who described his assailant as having “dark curly hair”.

    Enough said. Because … “too many men ovvvvv cullller are incarcerated in America”. This kid won’t serve more than 6 months in Juvvie. We’re doomed as a society.

    1. speaking of ‘law’ the ‘law’ of unintended consequences the hard core legal age set merely recruit the under 18s to do the dirty work with mounds of trinkets and cash waiting upon their quick release.
      thereby once again pollllitiSHUNS ‘solve’ one problem of juvie crime by creating thousands more in dead victims of a underage hit.
      can someone reading this show it to a leftie and tell us their excuse.

  4. L – The Rights and Responsibilities of a once self-governing people now honoured more in the breech than
    the observance.

  5. Citizen: Why can’t homeowners have rights to defend their home?
    Doughie: Don’t worry, if the criminal kills you, they will go to jail.
    Citizen: And that benefits me how?

  6. Pretty freakin’ funny hearing the Indian guy wanting to know why home owners and regular citizens can’t fight back, can’t have weapons to fight back effectively. Normally that would be me asking that question.

    The real answer is because #BlubberDougie and the government are so very much more afraid of regular citizens having weapons of self defense than they of random a-holes shooting up Hamilton. Which has never happened before, and I’ve lived here 60 years. Guys randomly whacking each other on street corners downtown, with pistols? Sanford and King, are you kidding me? There’s nothing there, its a residential street. You can see the Catholic Children’s Aid in the background.

    No, the real deal here is that the government is doing many, many things and they do not want you to be able to fight back, Mr. Indian guy. The cops are not there to arrest criminals, they are there to arrest YOU if you step out of line.

    Welcome to Canada.

  7. Canadians on both the left and the right want big daddy gov’t to decide who may or may not own a firearm.
    They may wax poetic about self-defense, but in the end, they like being little plebes.
