So… Paying Taxes Is Now Optional?

Blacklock’s- 95% Of Fines Unpaid

The Public Prosecution Service says it now collects only five percent of federal fines levied for tax avoidance and other offences.

Fines typically involved breaches of the Income Tax Act, the Fisheries Act, the Employment Insurance Act and other civil offences. MPs have complained unpaid fines represent two-tier justice.

No reason was given for the poor collection rate. The Prosecution Service Transition document called it a “problematic issue.”

12 Replies to “So… Paying Taxes Is Now Optional?”

    1. The game is up once the working middle class realise the laws aren’t there to protect them but abuse them and adjust their behaviour accordingly. Until then, nothing much is going to change.

  1. I expect an audit would show that the resources used to collect that 5% of fines owed cost the taxpayers more than the amount of money collected.

  2. I’ll give you a reason for the poor collection rate! Because the vast majority of the scofflaws … are Trudeau voters … if not Trudeau Cabinet members.

  3. Parden, what?.. You cant collect debts owed because why?.. Oh, you are useless.. That’s reassuring..

    Tell you what.. Fire all those work from home dog walkers / back deck dwellers and HIRE some people willing to show up and do the job.. PRESTO, problem solved.. Idiots..

  4. Unpaid fines? The reason the fines are unpaid is because the idiots prosecute companies that are essentially bankrupt. They already likely owe very large unpaid tax balances to boot. Companies that are going broke try to survive by not paying their taxes. If there were assets the taxes would be paid. The CRA isn’t shy about seizing assets.

  5. The people who get the vast majority of the fines are likely from a group that also “suffers” from “overincarceration” and very likely don’t pay income tax. So they are innocent by design.
