The City They Voted For

Vancouver Sun;

A man with a history of mental illness, violent offences and more than 60 police interactions across the region was identified as a suspect Wednesday in unprovoked attacks in downtown Vancouver that left one man dead and another with a severed hand.

Vancouver police said they couldn’t identify the 34-year-old White Rock man as he hadn’t yet been charged.

“What I can tell you is this appears to be a very troubled man who has a lengthy history of mental-health-related incidents that have resulted in 60 documented contacts with police throughout Metro Vancouver,” Police Chief Adam Palmer told a news conference.[…]

Officers found a 56-year-old man nearby who had been attacked with a knife on the steps of the church and bleeding from his head. The victim’s left hand had also been cut off. He was taken to hospital and was expected to survive.

Eight minutes after the first attack, officers rushed to Queen Elizabeth Theatre at West Georgia and Hamilton streets where another man, believed to be about 70 years old, was attacked. He died at the scene.

Eat some eyeballs, apply for a name change and you’re golden, son.

21 Replies to “The City They Voted For”

  1. The most disturbing thing about this story is the photograph of the police officer wearing shorts and black socks.

    1. The second most disturbing is the V Sun whining that the BC Conservatives are dissing the Dippers. Another OpEd masquerading as news.

  2. Concealed carry would prevent such events escalating from the, “hey stop looking at me” to the “I’ll cut your hand off if you don’t stop looking at me”

    It’d be over in a few seconds.

  3. will we ever have a government in canada that will put the lives of law abiding citizens ahead of criminals

    1. Not until the courts are straightened out. The Law Societies will only allow laws that they find acceptable to them, and they control the Constitution. If Parliament passes laws that the citicens think are “just” but contrary to want suits the legal industry, those laws will be declared unconstitutiona,l no matter how many legal convolutions will be necessary to achieve it.

    2. In 1971, the then Solicitor General on Penal Reform, Jean-Pierre Goyer made the following statement in the House of Commons…..”We have decided from now on to stress the rehabilitation of individuals rather than protection of society”.

  4. Meh.. Somebody somewhere is cooking a hooker for dinner.. As its always been.. What are your expectations?.. June and Ward Clever.. Well that wasn’t real..

    Its not that we were sheltered. its that we were not exposed to everything 300 million people can cook up on a given weekend.. The disgusting stuff was just not news worthy.. No rubber neck clicking in those days..

    Was the picket fence real.. Who knows, I was superman running up and down the sidewalk.. Talk about lack of social media?.. = Productive citizen..

  5. Another preventable murder by someone known to police. And more than a few judges that let him out.

  6. Diversity is Vancouver’s strength. What? Do you want a bunch of boring old, straight, sober, housed, citizens?

  7. I’d be OK with house arrest for the fellow so long as it was the house of the last judge that released him.

  8. The good part is how all the victims were totally disarmed by the gov’t.
    Can you imagine if one of them had a gun???

  9. Hey, let’s wring our hands, weep, and hire more political activists masquerading as social workers!

    Or are they social workers masquerading as political activists?

    Whatever, nothing another bureaucrat can’t fix!

  10. He was obviously worried about climate change which caused him to lose control. We need to raise the carbon tax by ten thousand percent so people can sleep in peace at night.

  11. We seem to be caught in a doom loop. The more we look to the government to solve our problems, the less they do, the more problems we have, the more we look to the government to solve our problems.

  12. Chopped off his hand?!?! This is a most horrid terrifying disabling crime. And at least he’s better off than the dead victim.

    What is wrong with our country? Is this man a migrant or a Canadian lunatic? Why wasn’t he locked up?
