23 Replies to “When You Lose The Alphabet Soup People”

  1. “Queer advocates say…” my interest went to zero after this start. Same with what Hollywood elites say.

    1. Exactly! I was going to post that same phrase.

      And note how “The Queers” have completely co-opted the entire Alphabet. The Queers pretend to speak for all the L’s, G’s, B’s, T’s and +’s (whatever the hell that is?). I personally know many of the alphabet who don’t want anything to do with The Queer “Advocates” …

  2. “She points to Poilievre’s comments saying minors should not have access to puberty blockers and transgender athletes should be barred from women’s sports and changing rooms.”

    So those are the issues important to the alphabet people. The country is going to hell but let’s double down on grooming and perving.

  3. Imagine your life, being solely pre-oocupied with cutting genitals off kids. If ever there was a waste of skin, these people are it. However, they are going to get their wish as the plan was always to drop in Carney before the election call. The turd will get the Biden treatment, they’ll toss in a few school underages to draw his sniffing away but he’ll be gone, not like he was in charge anyways.

    1. AND Mark Carney is IMO the DEVIL INCARNATE.
      100% WEF – ClimaTista
      If anyone thought that Trudeau was BAD…?
      This guy makes the Turd sound Absolutely “sweet” n benign…

      Trudeau wont step down, his dilettante EGO wont let him EVER resign, Regardless what the MSM nazi’s say.

      Although its interesting to see, they too know he would be obliterated in a FAIR election.

  4. Trudeau should not step down. I want him to go into the next election. No Kamala Harris fixes here in Canada.

    1. Not step down?

      Hell! I want him to declare himself and his offspring the Liberal Party of Canada leaders forever. He’s got three children… I think one of each.

      I want multiple audits of their spending, particularly all that missing COVID infrastructure money, they refuse to show the books and contracts of to the Parliamentary Budget Officer.

        1. And to think that ‘Zimboobwe’ started out as Rhodesia – hard to imagine how THAT could’ve happened…

          Hope there’ll be enough runway left for the adults here to turn Lower Turdholistan back into a real country again!

    2. What happened with the DNC is pretty much ANTI-democratic, and there were supposed to be constitutional protections against coups like this down south.
      Unfortunately, Canada has no such protections. A party can switch leaders pretty much with nothing more difficult than a leadership review, one of many ways I’m sure, a leader can be swapped out.

  5. I guess we should be thankful this didn’t start when the turds “father” was in charge. Cutting off kiddy parts, and “minor attraction” would have been in the constitution.

  6. They must have concluded the Bong is of no further use?

    His old man is in the homosexualist Hall of Fame ( apparently there is such a place) and the Bong hizself is a cinch first ballot member.

    I guess they are prepared to throw him under the bus.

  7. The Trudeau Liberal government’s support nearly down to the segments of Canadians who live entirely off of Canadian taxpayers and government patronage. About 20% of Canadians. NDP has cornered the career welfare recipients, about 15% of Canadians. I suspect the two parties are close to their floor of support.

    I see Jagmeet is having a press conference later today. Whatever he announces, he’ll make sure it doesn’t interfere with getting his political pension benefits. I predict he’ll move from the coalition style support of the Liberals to supporting them on a case by case basis. Outside chance he retires but not until after February 2025.

  8. I guess they want to avoid the CPC stalwarts once they get in from rounding them up and hanging them from bridges like an extremous religious group did in Bangladesh of those they disagreed with. All what I can say to them is watch what they wish for. Demographic and electoral math is hard for these people.

  9. I would not be surprised if we moved to a two party system. Hints of NDP and Libs scheming already.

  10. LOL and how many alphabet people does she represent exactly? LOL just another attempt at the media to frame the narrative their way?

  11. I’m not sure the Gaystapo’s rights to terrorize everybody else is worth preserving.. I was kind of hoping it was temporary.. Its nice that you are gay in all, but go be gay somewhere else..

    I know, I know.. Wanting some peace and quiet is a hate crime.. Boy are you gonna lose the next election..

  12. They are worried about their rice bowl. Under Trudeau anyone waving a flag (as long as it wasn’t a Canadian flag) got subsidized. Under Pierre they may be asked why they deserve the money and what they do for it. They can’t risk that.
