Landslide Territory

@TheStevenCheung SCOOP:

the @KamalaHarris campaign has told people at the rally they can’t leave because the busses they used to bus people in from out of state are not operational for another 30 minutes.

The announcement just came over the speakers at the rally and the crowd, already waiting in line, cried, “NOOOOO!”

8 Replies to “Landslide Territory”

  1. That’s a lot of JOY.

    Good thing the Dems have the illegal, criminal, drug-addict and posthumous votes sewn up.

  2. Crisis Actors bussed-in to hold up preprinted signs on cue … don’t like being delayed as they rush home to spend their campaign performance checks!

  3. ’tis communistic in nature to do such, ie MAKE peepull stay vere zey HARR!!!!
    himmel zein!!!! you vil hobey instantly alvays!!! achtchung !!!!!
    where’s the surprise then?

  4. On Jesse Waters’ last night, there was a story about how Kamala was busing supporters from one venue to a second venue, just to make the building look fuller, as they couldn’t fill the second one, due to lack of interest.
