18 Replies to “Margin Of Fraud”

  1. Should I worry that AG Merrick Garland … who used to be the next Justice of the US Supreme Court … and his henchman FBI Director Chris Wray … interfered with the 2024 election by declaring all Conservative social media hosts are in the pocket of muh Russia … in an early September surprise?

    That muh Russia continues to dupe MAGA nation into believing in the US Constitution … and that pesky Free Speech … that is the WORST THING to ever happen to Democracy or something

    1. Ken Gee
      Butt Snowden bad AmIrite?
      He showed you what was going on a long time ago, and all you did for years was denigrate the guy. He sacrificed his comfortable life to inform you, and you did nothing but whine.

      Garland is just another corrupt lefty Joo, say it goof!

  2. I always like how the very very very non-biased Associated Press always seems to be the one calling the elections. And how the retarded commonwealth of Pennsylvania always taking their sweet old time to count their votes. Nothing sketchy going on there, er right? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  3. I think it is safe to say the election is already in the bag for the democrats. I suspect they have at least 10 million signed undated mail in ballots in their possession for Harris. The USA is screwed big time

  4. The entire MSM and Hollywood is pumping Kamala as though Trump was the incumbent candidate. Kamala leads in all the polls. She is winning the swing states. She is now making inroads into the southern states. Unless she isn’t. It is impossible to tell what is going on and what is going to happen. But if she wins be prepared for higher taxes and yet more government spending, because we know that government spending is the solution to all our problems.

    1. The polls are just part of the official narrative campaign.
      They are spun and distorted. “Official” polls are notoriously oversampled with Demarxists, for one. Remember, when The Donald BEAT Hitlery, he was also ‘behind’ in the polls.

  5. The Democrats will steel the election, just like last time, and Americans with their hundreds of millions of guns and trillions of rounds of ammo will do nothing about it.

  6. my prediction: if cowmallah wins, and it will be by cheating, then l think the USA is going over a cliff. leaving a high school dipsy doodle in charge of that much power is not going to be pretty.
    so much willful blindness going on.

  7. Since most of the the opportunities for fraud are available to voters of both parties, wouldn’t that work to cancel out any advantage for one side?

    1. Republicans and conservatives in general aren’t that organized and seem to be bound by some rules regarding “fair play.” Democrats and facsist/communists are generally only concerned with winning, the method doesn’t matter, only the result.

  8. The CIA and the “Deep State” will keep control over America.

    Trump will win in a landslide just like he did the last time, but the CIA and the FBI and DOJ will make sure he never takes the WH, just like they did last time President Trump won in a landslide.

    To think that Americans would vote for more of the same but worse is preposterous.
    Its going to get ugly… real ugly.
