Margin Of Fraud

The 2024 Cheat and What’s Being Done About It

After engineer and data scientist Kim Brooks worked on cleaning the voter rolls in Georgia for a year, she realized she was on a stationary bicycle. She’d clear a name for various reasons, dead, felon, stolen ID, living at a seasonal campground for twenty years, duplicate, moved out of state, 200 years old, etc., and back it would come within a month. At that juncture she realized that a program within the Georgia voter registration database was methodically adding back fake names.

She looked deeper. For new registrants, the culprit was principally Driver’s Services creating new registrations and in this case, the manufacturer was a person, or persons. Within the government office, someone was stealing names and duplicating, even tripling that person’s vote and then forging their signature. Sometimes it was someone who just died, or a teacher who had no voting record. In the case of a nurse who died in 2022 with three registrations, she was registered to vote in two counties, and all three of her voted in the 2022 election and the 2024 primary. Each signature was slightly different, the last three letters spelled, ly, ley, and lley

This operation works under AVR, or automatic voter registration, and is being used to register migrants. They will not vote, but their names have been entered into the Voter Registration database when they apply for a driver’s license and their vote will be voted for them. I imagine that this is repeating something everyone knows, but the borders are open for precisely this reason, so the Democrat/RINO machine can steal their votes. By the way, the process for advancing permanent residency has been cut from 11 months to two.

In 2020, twenty states used operation AVR. Of those, Trump lost 18.

47 Replies to “Margin Of Fraud”

  1. The Supreme Court needs to outlaw the use of voting machines– period. I believe this was done in France. Voting machines are not needed to count the vote. People can still do math.

    1. One problem, States control their election processes, pretty much why SCOTUS stayed far away from all the challenges to 2020 results. And, no, there are way too many people today who can not do math. But I agree, paper, in person unless you’re an ex-pat living abroad, ID and hand count.

      1. So. The 4th Branch of Government … Vote Cheating Deep State apparatchiks… are more powerful than the SCOTUS and the US Constitution. More powerful than THE PEOPLE of the US.

        It’s simple really … there is SO MUCH taxpayer largesse to scoop up … that certain types of people will do ANYTHING to get it. Let’s be honest … this is MURDER. These apparatchiks are MURDERING America so they can STEAL our wealth. The oldest motive for murder ever … personal $$$ gain.

        We won’t be able to VOTE our way out of this mess. It’s going to take a violent rebuke and correction. Shame on the SCOTUS if they just sit on their man dresses and do nothing.

        1. Agreed. I said ‘pretty much’ but they were more scared of increased Antifa/BLM violence that started in 2020 so they went literal on the law. Wrong decision.

      2. When 13 states attempted to bring forward a case challenging the legitimacy of the 2020 election, they should not have ducked. The excuse given was that the States did not have standing to challenge the US federal election. A complete cop out. Essentially they allowed an illegitimate election to put an imposter In as President. The US Supreme Court is in part responsible for this mess. They have undermined democracy and betrayed the American people.

        1. As I understand it, Linda, the states have the authority to organize the elections, and the states, being sovereign, answer only to their own sovereign citizens. One state has no right to sue another state just because it doesn’t like the elections. Only the citizens of the state have any claim against the state, and they can only have such claim as state law allows them.

          It’s easy to piss all over the courts, and often they deserve it, but if they’re doing it right then they’re bound by the law and the law can be trickier than you think.

    2. Punching a hole in a card and sending it through a mechanical counting machine worked fine for many years.

    1. I’m here. More “everything looks like a nail when you hold a hammer”?

      How many 2020 narratives turned out to be totally fake?

      1. So what is your direct response to the content of the article, Allan, since you are here? Saying that it is false would require evidence. State your evidence.

        1. “So what is your direct response to the content of the article, Allan, since you are here? Saying that it is false would require evidence. State your evidence.”

          We both know that he won’t, since he will refuse to even read the article.

      2. “How many 2020 narratives turned out to be totally fake?”

        Very, very few….compared to the many instances and 1000 affidavits pointing out potential fraud. How many of the others were even investigated?

        (and I mean investigated *at the time*, because plenty of them are being investigated right now…)

        And why on earth did your side spend millions trying to PREVENT those investigations? Because it was the “most secure and fair election EVAH!”, right Allan?

    2. GYM… for once, you and I are on the same wavelength.
      I was just going to ask rhetorically if anybody is surprised by any of this, except for Allan S, who probably still has his head in the sand regarding this particular subject.

      Oh… there he is, and as predicted…

    1. Actually our elections are very clean. Paper ballots, hand marked, hand counted, observers from all parties in the room. It’s our voters who tend to be dumb as rocks.

      Now, if vote-by-mail starts gaining more traction here, then the temptation to print fake ballots and harvest them will only grow, and eventually we may have similar problems as the Americans.

      1. Agreed. Canada’s national elections are managed by a federal agency. By being held by each separate state, the US system is wide open to flagrant corruption with each separate state setting its own individual standard (or none at all).

        One thing to think about: Canadian voters are not stupid; they usually vote what’s in their self interest.

        1. Last Provincial election in MB I had a big sheet that was fed into a scanner.
          We have far too many voters that treat politics like sport and always support their team regardless of if they are having a good year or not.

      2. Last municipal election I voted in used a scanner, and guess what! The scanner wouldn’t work!!!

        Let’s not be naive. Paper ballots discourage fraud, but there are still ways to cheat even with paper ballots.

        As a famous communist once said (and I’m paraphrasing)… it’s not a matter on who votes, but what really matters is who’s counting the votes.

  2. There has to be a way to purge voters from the database, and mark that voter as unalterable. Never to be reactivated. Voting status totally locked.

    It sounds like the current method is engineered to be easy to manipulate. Go figure – this is banana republic stuff.

  3. Kamala will get 95 million “votes”.

    The people who “voted” for Biden last time, plus a plethora of illegal immigrants, dead people, and multiple voters.

    1. No, this time it will be in excess of 120 million. They are so arrogant about their fraud now that impossible numbers will be thrown around.

    2. It worked last time. Of course they’ll do it again. It works. They know we know, but they don’t care. As long as the media and courts are on their side, they have it made.

  4. Wow….great read! Long, but well worth it.

    I have known all along that the 2020 election could not possibly have been legitimate (statisticians and mathematicians have already proven that, if all the other major anomalies didn’t convince you), and have grown used to seeing individual counties admitting that were was indeed election fraud….but seeing it exposed on a state level is still gratifying.

    I very much look forward to seeing Ruby Freeman and her daughter testifying in court, under oath.

  5. Voter fraud should be a hanging offence.
    If you dump a box of votes off at 1am and get caught, you hang.
    If you receive them, you hang.
    If you partake in making fake voters/votes, you hang.
    And if not, go Rusty’s route and eat a bullet.

    1. As I noted above … this is far worse than “vote fraud”. It is the premeditated MURDER of America. The vote cheats are doing this to STEAL our wealth. Period. Everyone who plots to cancel-out and erase the votes of American citizens … legitimate voters … are KILLING America.

      They deserve the death penalty.

      1. never seen you quite this fuming kj. and with cause.
        great cause. the cause of America.
        migawd all those times l spoke up in university lectures 90s. l was twice their age to all the hegemony claptrap l pointed out stuff like the Marshall plan.
        and we’re on the verge of losing that America to the dustbin.
        so many of these sons of bitches in on it. where did all these kkk nazis come from?

  6. Unlike 2020, there is now a database of these “abused” names regardless of whether they keep popping up into the system. Easy search…easy proof of fraud. Kim Brooks should be making a weekly trip to a notary and swearing under oath that she removed the applicable names from the rolls so when they pop up in the 2024 election she can just submit the appropriate legal documents to the court and see if they are willing to ignore documented evidence. Certain judges may well be willing to do so…but it then puts the Secretary of State in Georgia in a bind when certification time comes.

  7. “For new registrants, the culprit was principally Driver’s Services creating new registrations and in this case, the manufacturer was a person, or persons. Within the government office, someone was stealing names and duplicating, even tripling that person’s vote and then forging their signature.”

    Congress should start an investigation and charge the perpetrators with treason. But what will really happen is the DNC will put on a show that makes Kamala’s 2024 election victory look as “believable” as Biden’s 2020 win and the US public will again pretend not to notice that they are serf’s living under an unelected oligarchy. They will continue to pay their taxes, watch sportsball and hope somebody does something.

  8. Why do you think the Media and the big tech types are showing “Polls” in favour of a woman who nobody could even name last year?

    because you have to rig the polls….BEFORE you rig the election.

    Makes it more believable; at least for the people who don’t pay attention.

    1. Or,as one commentator put it, Kamala was a political laughing stock until 10 minutes ago. Remember how people would cringe at the prospect that she might replace Biden — as bad as he was. What astonishes me is how so many do not see the manipulation going on.

  9. Logistics.. Its not that paper was better.. It was just much much harder to bring the cheating to where it needed to be, to swing elections.. Sneaking in a 18 wheeler full of graveyard votes is.. Hard..

    These days they push a button and tell you its going to take two weeks for them to lull you to sleep.. So convoluted it cant be verified.. = Treason..

    I cant wait to never vote again..

  10. So what is your direct response to the content of the article, Allan, since you are here? Saying that it is false would require evidence. State your evidence.

  11. The link to ‘Absurdistan’, substack with Elizabeth Nickson was a great
    re-find for me!!
    I always enjoyed her writing back in the day when I read paper papers!
    Good catch, Kate.

  12. Brandon, during a rare but brief lucid interval, said:
    We had put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics. And it worked! But now, they are on to us, and it won’t work again without a lot more — more fraud, more deceit, more sleaze, more malarkey, more jiggery-pokery, more skullduggery, more ballot harvesting, more mules, more ballot stuffing and pre-stuffing, more crooked counts, more rigged voting machines. We have to build this sucker [No, not now, KamalaToe] back better with so many new voters, dead voters, illegal voters, phantom voters, fake voters, Chinese ballots, virtual voters, computer hacks and bots, more votes in the Electoral College via bogus Census counts in DemonRat states, federal letter agency witch hunts, travesties of due process, congressional inquisitions, bogus indictments, more RINOs, whatever it takes… that the Republic is buried in DemonRat votes and the election is so corrupt that we win, win, WIN! And, if they don’t like it, we’ll prosecute every whimper of complaint as an act of a treasonous criminal conspiracy, and, ummmmm…
    Where was I? Where am I? Is this the real White House or my play White House?

  13. The Supreme Court Of United States SCOTUS must correct this blatant election fraud or it will lead to the second American Civil War!
    The last election was a fraud and another cannot happen!

  14. It certainly explains how a major political party (the one that is most tied to the deep state) can put up a recycled nominee that no rank and file party member voted for and went nowhere in the last Primary and a few weeks ago was cringe-worthy as a successor to the vegetable in Chief. As a test, they should run a German Shephard for POTUS for the Dems and the deep state will ensure victory. I said it in 2020 and I’ll say it again, if you want to reduce corruption, bring in the Mexican Federales to supervise US elections.

  15. When the electoral process is broken your country is badly broken. American people are in serious trouble and they need to rise up and clean up the mess the democrat communists have created.
