6 Replies to “Thursday On Turtle Island”

  1. John Paul Watson….

    The German greens near wiped out … LMAO.!! wonderful news.
    Like everywhere else, said greens are those that in earlier times would have all been locked up in padded rooms.
    Key thrown away..
    Classic Example being our Green party leader – # 1 promoter of cheap whiskey.

    1. The Germans are … FAR Right … if they don’t believe the German people should be REPLACED by third-worlders who have no connection whatsoever with German culture. You are FAR Right if you believe Islam uber alles is a more virulent form of Natzism. In fact YOU will be called a Natzi if you don’t believe in a “new” Germany … that no longer … “looks like you”. You’re a Natzi if you RESIST the genocide of your people and culture.

  2. Today Climate Blackie travels around Quebec and then burns jet fuel to Toronto for the film festival.
