10 Replies to “Today In Islam”

  1. If the Christians flee, the Muslims will take over.
    If the Christians submit, the Muslims will take over.
    If the Christians remain peaceful, the Muslims will take over.
    Not just in Africa.
    That’s why they hate Israel’s existence.
    That’s why they hate Israel’s Jews so much.
    How dare they?!
    How dare anyone do anything but flee, sue for peace or submit.
    Nobody knows this better than Elghawaby.

    1. It is war whether we like it or not and it will get worse as the government wishes to make it worse. Fools and cowards die on their knees.

    2. Bluddy
      Muslims and Bible pounders are damn near one and the same, they are always trying to shove their shit down other’s throats
      You see it in here all the time!


      1. I don’t think the congregants down at the Lutheran church on the corner will cut my head off if I don’t obey the Ten Commandments.

  2. Islam has zero business being in the Western hemisphere.
    We can thank ignorant politicians as far back as the early 1950’s allowing them entry into North America on the basis that they might be a bulwark against Communism.

    Funny that, I think the Globalist Cabal (Who are pure Commies IMO), are the ones who have allowed this infestation of this NON Assimilating FILTHY quasi Religion into the West. Starting with Merkel et all.

    Islam works perfectly with said Globalist Cabals’ plans as it is the Absolute PERFECT Kontrol mechanism…
    Once us pesky Euro Centrics are finally eradicated, the remains of humanity are that much more easily contained and controlled.

    Only way out is a separation of head from body or experiencing Gravity for ~ 4.5 seconds

    As for GAZA..?? It should be GLASSED.

    1. It is disgraceful Steakman that we have given our ignorant politicians the ability to destroy our country , our society, our culture and our people.

  3. almost since the term first popped up lve tried to get a rational explanation from anyone about the term.
    starting point, definition of a phobia from Websters online dictionary:
    an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something

    ‘irrational’ lets look at that part of the definition.
    the fear is coming from long past and countless incidents, many chronicled at

    dozens news sources from around the world so they arent all ‘jewish tomes’,
    showing a religious bent on violence and death.
    how is it irrational to fear that? how?

  4. Yea how dare we call out the anti–Semites hiding in shallow halls of lower learning. Not even a whimper of concern for the hate they are riling up against Jewish students, not even a whisper of prayer for the hostages?
