Well, Rats!

Toronto Star: The federal Liberal party’s national campaign director is quitting, the Star has learned. Jeremy Broadhurst privately told Prime Minister Justin Trudeau last month he is leaving, according to several Liberal sources.

Big, if true.

29 Replies to “Well, Rats!”

  1. As if with a new campaign head the results would be any different to what we all expect?

    AKA, the Kim Campbell ploy… see also, “Queen’s Gambit. Slav Defense. King’s Indian Defense. Nimzo-Indian Defense. Queen’s Indian Defense. Catalan Opening, Réti Opening. English Opening. Bird’s Opening. King’s Indian Attack… etc… ”

    “the Justin gambit”

    Also, the marc in calgary swipe: “You can’t shine that pos enough to sell it anyone I know…”

      1. That silly biatch destroyed Dalton McGuinty’s government in Ontario and has now destroyed Justatwit’s government in Ottawa. She and her partner in crime Gerald Butts have meant destruction and disaster for every regime in which they were involved. Telford will only accelerate the implosion. She will be fleeing out of the country before the collapse.

    1. Is Francis Drouin the MP of “Marc Primeau of Long Sault, Ont. paid federal contracts to his own company and pocketed a 39 percent profit”?

      1. Nope. Adjoining riding. Long Sault is in Stormont-Dundas-Glengarry, which is represented by rainbow Conservative Eric Duncan.

  2. Make a list of all the countries with whom Canada does not have an extradition treaty. One of them will be Broadhurst’s future new address.

    1. Nahhh. Sadly, he doesn’t have to worry. He isn’t a tiny little freedom-loving innocent named Tamara.

      1. I disagree. The interference by the PRC may well result in some criminal charges against Justatwit’s gang of fools. For far less offense, Jimbo Watson, former mayor Ottawa, along with the former Ottawa City Manager, fled Canada on a long vacation after the 2022 Ontario municipal elections. Their corruption and incompetence regarding the Ottawa LRT are peanuts compared to the election fixing Telford, Broadhurst et.al.

  3. Andrew Coyne suspects no senate seat nomination in lieu of Charles Adderall scandal.

    Film at 11.

  4. I heard his statement on the radio, sounds as if he doesn’t want to waste his time, being further on in life.

  5. Hahaha ha … typical Kate’s clever title. “Rats”. Yep … the Rats are jumping off the sinking ship!

  6. “replaced with someone who thought he could win a fourth term”
    whelllllll THAT narrows it down lol

  7. Criminal charges for corruption should be following him soon. If not then perhaps civil charges?

    Conservative groups could do something besides fundraising and getting invited to all the dinner parties?

  8. His “campaign” has made Canada’s flag code for “F### Trudeau” and rats aren’t as hated as the idiot Prince.

    Nice work.

  9. For maximum revenge, the election should be called for the day before Jagmeet’s pension vests, and every effort should be made to make sure he doesn’t get reelected.

  10. I anticipate extreme pressure from Liberal insiders to get Trudeau out and install a replacement. They won’t get Mark Carney, who the Libs have been wooing. He is smart enough to bide his time or may not be all that interested. I am not sure that he is the type to want “Leader of the tiny Opposition” on his resume. He may want PM Canada, but the Liberals are in the dog house for the coming election.

    A lot of PCO public servant rats, as well as senior Liberal-friendly DMs and ADMs (deputy ministers and one level below) will be quietly job-hunting in other government departments for executive positions, or taking early retirement. PMO rats will be actively job-searching, as they are political appointees usually.

    Maybe the Bloc Quebecoise are the big winners. They will be looking to pick up Liberal/NDP seats. They would have to agree to bring down the gov’t on a non-confidence motion. The NDP will wait until at least February 26th, 2025, hoping to build their coffers, pensions and base. They may also turf Jagmeet.

    Conservatives are peaking too early.

    Nothing much will happen until after the American election. Will the US select giggly “sunny ways” Kamela or less predictable, aging Trump? Most Canadians have TDS. Can Americans not find better candidates among 330 million people?

    Trudeau may be job-searching too, so may want resign vs. losing badly in an election or being replaced, both upsetting to his inflated ego. Meanwhile, he loves travel and will be doing lots of campaigning on our taxpayers’ dollars as long as he can, with paid media support. The UN sounds likely or a foreign policy specialist (haha) seeking speaking engagements.

    Beer and popcorn for 2024/25 …

    First, by-election results
