14 Replies to “When The DOJ Does It, That Means That It’s Not Illegal”

  1. soooooo how many half dozen minds will this change?
    yo SDA, you still dont get it how compliant the peepull targetted by these lies WANT the lies. it simplifies EVERYTHING in the news and in their miserable lives.
    lies lives. same thing. get it?

  2. The United States has always been the example of Democratic governance ! Lawfare and massive electoral fraud is undermining their Democracy! If they Fail then the West is in jeopardy!!

    1. Democratic governance? And all this time I thought the US was a Republic. Who knew? ;o)**

      Still, the rest of your comment stands, Keith. We, the US, are teetering on the edge of a socialist tyranny, or worse, and that doesn’t bode well for a lot of other countries.

      **gentle correction. Far too many Americans don’t know we are a Republic, either. You can always tell Americans, but you can’t tell ’em much.

      1. HR studying Political economy at the UofS our professor described democracies in terms of countries who have fair electoral voting! I’m very concerned about the Western World’s future! I know the US is a Republic.

  3. Whatever the truth of this, Tim Pool is not the most popular influencer right now due to his ties to Tenet Media.

    1. KM … You evidently missed Kate’s sarcastic headline … “When the DOJ does it, That means it’s not illegal.” That’s exactly what the Tenet, err Russia, Russia, Russia … Putin, Putin, Putin … distraction is all about. The FEDERAL DOJ !!! is behaving like a rogue Agency … filing nonsensical charges about Russian funding of “election disinformation” … through conservative bloggers like Tim Pool. That public grandstanding, yesterday, by the FED. DOJ is in and of itself … election interference … within 90 days of an election.

      Our entire country is dirty. Filthy dirty. And will stop at NOTHING to STOP Trump. Or as Trump says … to STOP US … The People. The working people … the taxpayers of America. And don’t forget the FBI … that lying scumbag, Chris Wray was smirking before the cameras yesterday.

      This is far worse than a two-tier justice system … it’s a WEAPONIZED Justice System … an injustice-Justice System. We The People better regain control of America, lest we be not only be “replaced” ethnically … but replaced politically. America is becoming a Communist State … in real time … right before our eyes and ears.

      1. Which is why I say that nothing is at it appears to be. We can expect more of these “surprises” as we get closer to November.
        I strongly suspect that the entire indictment of RT, and the implication of Tenet being a party to disinformation, may be politically motivated, which is typical of a weaponized DOJ, but as usual, I will wait until more facts are revealed before I come to judgement.
        In the meantime, it isn’t beyond the scope of my imagination to realize that it’s pretty coy of the FBI to pretend that the contributors are actually “victims.” It’s probably the best way to ruin the credibility of these contributors while at the same time pretending that they are not guilty of actually disinforming the public.
        I suppose the other objective behind this strategy is to get the contributors to throw Tenet under the bus to protect themselves from any possible future prosecution. It’s not like we haven’t seen this happen before when supposed Trump allies suddenly flip and “co-operate” with the prosecution against Trump.

        This whole affair has triggered my bullshit detector.

  4. This seems to be confirmation of what many on the right have been saying for a few years now.

    If DJT had run as a Democrat, all his legal problems from the entrenched deep state and elected state actors,
    would never have happened.

    I think Tim Pool is simply on the same “wrong side of justice” = viewed as being on the right as well.
    His legal problems wouldn’t be anything at all if he was a Democrat.
    “When you’re a Democrat, that means that it’s not illegal” … for example.

  5. Re: Tenet story
    Megyn Kelly is friends with Dave Rubin and has an inside perspective on the Tenet story.
    The conservative influencers were indeed victims. Tim Pool and Dave Rubin did push back on the source of the funding, Eduardo Gregorian (sic), who was presented to them as a wealthy French entrepreneur.
    To be clear Tenet was not involved with either Dave or Tim’s primary programming .
    Megan Kelly has suggested that maybe they should have been more suspicious because, at least in Dave Rubin’s case, he was overpaid for his content. Not sure, if that’s true in Tim Pools case. In Tim’s case, Tenet was managing a spin off program that was not political in content. It looks like the conservative influencers were lured to this company to provide cover for Tenets propaganda effort. There is a slight of hand by the DOJ, knowing that the public will conflate these activities.

    1. Re:Tenet’s propaganda effort.
      Managing some content for influences, was secondary to the main activity. On the down low, Tenet was managing “spoof” or “counterfeit” websites that mimicked legitimate well known news sites. If you inadvertantly clicked on one of these sites you got Russian propoganda instead of legit news. This is what the DOJ is after.

  6. The following is idle speculation, on my part, and I’m open to correction.
    Recall that Tenet has existed for about 10 months. Im assuming that Google and other platforms have ways to detect bogus, counterfeit websites. How long it would take them to discover them and notify the FBI, I don’t know. Nor, do I know how long it would take to gather evidence. It does occur to me that they could have delayed making this public til they could muddy up the election by undermining the credibility of conservative podcasters. We all know the public will not comprehend this company had two functions, and will not discern between the propoganda activity and management of content activity.
    This is assuming, this wasn’t a honey pot from the get go.

  7. None of the Tenet personalities in America have been charged with anything. Foreign money so you know DOJ has got FISA’s on all of them. Question is for how long? Rather than spying on Tim would have been nice if LEO’s were working to find who was swatting him. The DOJ guy in the video? His future does not look good.
