Guilty Until Proven Innocent

People often share with me, with great exasperation, that they can’t seem to trust anyone any more. I understand this sentiment but share my belies that one can generally trust Robert Barnes and David Freiheit (aka Viva Frei). Such is the case with the recent Tenet Media takedown.

Megyn Kelly and friends seem to have bought in wholesale to the DOJ indictment, convicting Lauren Chen without any qualms. But something smells very odious about this indictment.

Robert Barnes has thoughts:

Viva Frei started off his show today about the same.  Paul Joseph Watson chimes in.

Update: Dan Bongino is also stating that this is a Deep State psyop.

44 Replies to “Guilty Until Proven Innocent”

  1. Supposedly, Tim Pool has indicated he’s willing to do a voluntary interview with the feds. Let’s hope he talks to Barnes first.

    1. I was disappointed with the discussion Megyn Kelly had with the two attorneys on the Tenet case.
      They didn’t seem to know enough about the licensing agreement or the nature of the content acquired, specifically, from Pool and Rubin.

  2. As pointed out on the Readers Tip thread, this is an attempt at Russia, Russia, Russia 2.0., and, as usual, selective in its choice of targets, but no doubt the 20% Scott Adams talks about will not question it.

    1. I wish it was only 20% of American/Canadian/ citizens that will not question things but I suspect it’s 80%+ that never question anything.

      This really does appear to be a repeat of Russia-Russia-Russia and Covid-Covid-Covid.

      Maybe most people really are that dumb. Which means we are doomed.

      1. @Robert: We are. It’s my estimate as well that ~80% (maybe even more) of us-all is made out of a mix of 2 ingredients: stupid and evil.
        I’m almost 60, I’ve seen many things in life. And Yes, people in general are imbeciles: they believe all the crap spewed by media (omg covid, give me vaccines/boosters!, climate change, neo/eco-Marxism, Islam is religion of peace etc). Low IQ also implies attention span of a squirrel.
        And re evil, it’s not cunning evil. Because scheming evil would imply smart. No, just evil in the sense of cheating/lying/cutting corners, little con this&that to grab a buck.

      2. 80 percent plus? For sure. Zero curiosity. Because curiosity entails effort. And that effort might result in some uncomfortable answers that might require some really uncomfortable actions.

        So, far better to remain a lazy chicken-shit and question nothing.

  3. Russia Russia Russia 2.0 and China China China 1.0 – see Readers Tips for Russia Russia Russia 2.0
    “The INDEPENDENT’S collusion with China follows the plethora of mainstream outlets that have been taking CCP-sponsored trips to China in exchange for favorable coverage for years…”
    “In 2021, a member of President Joe Biden’s China team even stated she was ‘fine’ with China spreading influence and propaganda in America.” Last two paragraphs of linked article
    And, lest we forget as reported in 2022 by the NY Post, $54 million in Chinese gifts donated to UPenn home of the Biden Center.
    Welcome to both DOJ and FBI ignoring China China China 1.0. Move along, nothing to see here.

    1. Again, all this effort is devoted to deflecting scrutiny of the regime’s 4 years of failure on every front domestic and foreign. The economy from bidinflation and lost jobs to crime and illegals, Afghanistan, Ukraine war, Israeli war, resurgence of terrorism…its too sickening to keep listing all the failures.

  4. Yes the dirty Russians.. Plotting against us with perogies.. Cornering the market on vodka.. Maybe if we weren’t so useless and nefarious.. We could find better things to do with our time?.. Than blame Russia..

    All our choices suck and Russia messing with that is supposed to make me pick sides.. Amusing stuff..

  5. All designed to deflect attention away from Hunter Biden’s guilty plea on 9 tax related charges

    Apologies for CBC link.

    “The special counsel’s team had said it wants to tell jurors about Hunter Biden’s work for a Romanian businessman, who they say sought to “influence U.S. government policy” while Joe Biden was vice-president.”

    It’s a case of let’s not have anyone ask questions about influence pedalling during the Biden-Harris presidency.

    1. Hunter Biden is a criminal. He is facing serious jail time. He pled guilty in order to get a pardon before January 20.

      1. abtrapper, you may be right, but a President can issue a pardon before sentencing, and even before someone being indicted.

        federal pardon can be issued prior to the start of a legal case or inquiry, prior to any indictments being issued, for unspecified offenses, and prior to or after a conviction for a federal crime.[18] Ford’s broad federal pardon of former president Richard M. Nixon in 1974 for “all offenses against the United States which he, Richard Nixon, has committed or may have committed or taken part in during the period from January 20, 1969 through August 9, 1974” is a notable example of a fixed-period federal pardon that came prior to any indictments being issued and that covered unspecified federal offenses that may or may not have been committed.[18] The legal effectiveness of such a form of pardon has not been tested in court.[9]
        wikipedia link:,conviction%20for%20a%20federal%20crime.

        But Hunter may wish to avoid the possibility of a Trump administration taking the pardon to court, if it was issued prior to sentencing.

      2. abtrapper
        crack head plead guilty to avoid a trial, as that would expose everything, and that would possible turn the whole nation against the war in Uke. Which the CIA wants to keep going, and would effect the election also.

  6. For the sake of argument, let us assume that they did accept money from RT.
    Who cares?
    The whole thing is a steaming pile of BS, from top to bottom.

    1. Who cares? Well for starters everyone who listened to them while they pretended to be independent voices and not to be on Pootin’s payroll. You also care, you really don’t want the truth to come out in the first place. Judging by Timmmmmy’s reactions looks like the truth will come out nevertheless. So you’re circling the wagons around the traitors to your cause. Are you sure you want to that?

  7. Remember boys, head in the sand only works when you’re not standing on concrete.

    Timmmy seems to be learning it the hard way. Others will sure follow.

    1. Jessica, and head up your A$$ gives you a shitty outlook on life, and makes you look the fool you are, and always have been, and always will be. Yer too stupid to change.


    1. ^^^ Another bot activated. Kremlin bot farms must be doing damage control overtime. It is all paws on deck.

      1. You are one demented unit.
        All those who hate you must be bots, just waiting for you to post.
        Not only are you unhinged, but you have a grossly over-inflated ego.
        Go back to molesting folk, Jessica.

        1. Have another drink, pull up a chair and listen to Timcast he’ll tell you what to think… opsie.

    2. God knows the muskrats are restless tonight. Is the moon in Leo? I don’t know; Leo won’t speak to me. Perhaps we can get Gym and Jess going full snout-to-snout frottage again. It’s like watching garbage rot, only really lively!

  8. Russia/Putin = conservative viewpoints. Conservatives are all compromised by Putin. That’s the messaging from the Deep State DOJ and FBI. Oh! And really conservative Catholics are Domestic Terrorists. And every white man has … “rage”. And America is systemically racist. And global warming deniers are planet killers. This indictment is as FAKE and timed to create election interference as any other EXTREME leftist messaging emerging from the bowels of our “17 Intelligence Agencies”.

    How anyone does not see this as Statecrafted Propaganda does lead me to believe that AT LEAST 80% of the warm bodies in our nation are complete imbeciles … or just hardcore hate-filled leftist scum.

  9. Tenet Media is still up on Rumble (6:40 P Eastern, Sept 6).
    I’m not guaranteeing it will be up much longer. It was on YouTube yesterday, but is gone now. I skimmed it on YT and I didn’t see anything about Russia. On Rumble, for the time being you can see for yourself, if their programming is pro Russian. Knock yourself out.

    1. Uh oh, Tim has one up on Creationism vrs Simulation. Oh gosh, another on the black vote for trump. Oops, another on the state of Israel.

  10. How soon we forget how SHOCKING Russian indictments fizzle into nothing once the accused agree to a trial in the US …

    Yeah … the SHOCKING Mueller GRAND JURY!!! indictment of Russian Bots and entities working to subvert the 2016 election coronation of HER!!! … all went up in smoke once the accused were ready to go to trial …

    Our Deep State government is one giant Psy Op operating against the American people.

  11. Short version, the DOJ indited but didn’t arrest 2 people who have russian sounding names, and happened to catch several personalities who provide content that is popular with conservatives…

    Do those russians exist? are there photos of them anywhere? the whole thing stinks to high heaven

    1. Hey, brace yourself and take a look at the Tenet Media channel on Rumble. You’ll be gobsmacked at all the mundane, innocuous stuff that passes for RUSSIAN propaganda. Really.

      1. FFS, Tenet has less than 12,000 followers on Rumble. Why is this even a thing. Does anyone know how to access the way back machine and find out how many followers on YouTube. This is a joke.

        1. This is very strange. Until August, the Tenet YT channel was, well to call it insignificant is generous. It was picking up about 10K subscribers a month til August, when it picked up 192,000 subscribers. What, how is that even possible.
          The revenue pattern makes even less sense.
          If someone can explain this, that would be great. I could be misreading.

  12. I remember RT appearing out-of-the-blue on a taxpayer-supported Philadelphia public television station back when JugEars McFoodstamp was president. Why the hell wasn’t the Skinny Socialist sent to Club Gitmo for allowing that to happen?

  13. So those evil Russians paid large amounts to various podcasters, via a convoluted pathway, but did not demand those podcasters place pro-Russian content in the podcasts? Funny, I thought …

    And Lauren Chen was who?

    1. “So those evil Russians paid large amounts to various podcasters, via a convoluted pathway, but did not demand those podcasters place pro-Russian content in the podcasts? Funny, I thought …”

      And strangely, their stated opinions on the conflict in Ukraine had been well established long before this thing was ever conceived. But according to Jessica anything anti-Ukraine MUST be pro-Russian, right? Anything you might say to protest the ongoing wholesale slaughter of Ukrainians being encouraged and enabled with our tax dollars, no matter how innocuous or factual, will immediately cause her to brand you as a “Pootin lover” (note the childish spelling) and a supporter of ‘genocide’ (LOL) against the Ukrainian people. We all know what a ranting, drooling bloodthirsty imbecile she is when she’s off her meds…

      1. Fred
        Tenet was working two angles, one was the portfolio of podcasters, some of whom are pro-Trump, and the second was a doppelganger hoax(counterfeit websites with pro-Russian content). Yesterday’s Readers Tips goes into the details. Rest assured that the DOJ knows that most voters aren’t capable of discerning the difference but will conflate Tenets activities. It’s a slick, back handed way to smear Trump by association.
        From Legal Insurrection:
        “Garland added at the press conference: “These websites were designed to appear to American readers as if they were major U.S. news sites, like the Washington Post or Fox News, but in fact they were fake sites. They were filled with Russian government propaganda that had been created by the Kremlin to reduce international support for Ukraine, bolster pro-Russian policies and interests, and influence voters in the United States and in other countries. Internal documents of the Kremlin described the content as, ‘bogus stories disguised as newsworthy events.’ This malign influence campaign has been referred to as ‘doppelganger.”
        The podcaster claims are weak and I have no idea if the doppelganger hoax is real.

      2. Here we go again, Freddie from LBC will never pass an opportunity to demonstrate why IQ scale starts at one Freddie.

        “And strangely, their stated opinions on the conflict in Ukraine had been well established long before this thing was ever conceived. ”

        And that in your head counts as an argument? Yes they did, and Kremlin gave them the tube. That is exactly how Gerasimov doctrine works. Why do you think they are trying to sell themselves as victims now?

        Oh and Timmmy has changed his position 180 when the details of his benefactor became public knowledge.

        Also you are a pro russian/Pootin whore, you would deny Ukrainians means to defend themselves and send them to gulag. And since you are aware of genocide that orks are committing, and continue denying it, you support it. You’re not protesting slaughter of Ukrainians by demanding that they put themselves at the mercy of the subhuman horde that slaughters them. You’re enabling it. You’re a piece of excrement.

        1. ” You’re enabling it. You’re a piece of excrement.”

          At least I don’t shove tampons up my ass like you, Jessica, pretending to be something that I’m not. Wipe the drool (or whatever that is) off your chin, take your estrogen or lithium or whatever and STFU. No one wants to hear your hysterical hateful rants, loser.
