11 Replies to “I Can’t Believe the American People Want More of This”

  1. I don’t believe the majority of Americans are aware. The small percentage that do have knowledge of such abuses of power are either in denial or collusion.

  2. Robert

    One only need look abroad to Europe, Australia, New Zealand & even us here Canada as well, that this is a fully Co-ordinated Global Attack against all FREE Peoples throughout the Western Hemisphere.

    I can virtually guarantee that when or even if we have an election in Canada, the Ruling Regime will attempt To STEAL it.

    The 4th REICH is real… and active right here in our Country:
    Bill C-63 – Nuff said

    1. You’re 100% correct. And it saddens me deeply, both as a Canadian citizen and a transplanted Canuck in America.

  3. While explaining Gabbard’s problem with neighbours at a campfire, I was met with “we never heard about that”, “where do you get this?”
    Too many, especially in the Lieberal Democratic Peoples Republic of Kanada, still get their information from the legacy media. Shenanigans by Lieberals and Drmoncraps will never be reported there.

    1. It’s not just that they’re stupid, they are immediately disproving new information in their own minds. These guys sound like they’d be the first to participate on snitch lines.

  4. Over the past several years I have been constantly amazed at the number of family and friends that are supposedly well educated yet are unable/unwilling to apply any critical thinking to what is transpiring around them. As I’ve stated here for years the Liberals/Democrats are nothing more than Nazis in clown suits hiding their true intentions while entertaining us with a three ring circus and the general population have been eating it up. Now the clown suits are coming off and we are seeing the Hugo Boss SS uniforms that were hidden beneath but it may be too late to exit the circus tent. As Tulsi has expressed this circus has been entertaining us for some time now and we’re getting a little tired of it but the clowns and others in charge are desperate to keep us in our seats otherwise they have no purpose, perhaps the only way to exit the tent is to bring it all down.

  5. If we are to believe polls … fully HALF of our formerly FREE nation enthusiastically support the personal, professional, and political DESTRUCTION of President Donald J Trump. HALF our nation is disappointed the assassin’s bullet missed. HALF our nation wants Tulsi to shut up … or be shut up.

    Yes, we are teetering on the brink. How does the weaponized Permanent DC tip the balance in their favor? Pick off voices like Trump, RFK Jr., and Tulsi … and flood our nation with illegal criminals who don’t give a shit about the US Constitution … let alone know anything about it.

    Then they “win” … permanently.

    1. People who actually support these tactics are not really Americans… at least… not in spirit. I AM more American than actual “Americans” that support this… at least in spirit.

  6. There are likely many mushy middle types who cling to Democrat party loyalty because of social pressure from their peers despite the discomfort of truth leaking out around the legacy media. For anyone in such social circles to publicly confess to thinking about voting for Trump, the instant animosity they would experience would be overwhelming. For people visiting this site and the regulars, such shallow levels of political interest may seem unusual but is more likely the rule . Whether such heresy is enough to overcome the institutionalized deep state election corruption, I hazard to guess. Whatever happens in November, the US along with most of the west is at end-stage democracy with fascism, despotism and authoritarianism on the rise.

  7. Yup. Why is is Trump bad? “He’s a racist and sexist”.

    Why is Kamela good? “She’s a black woman!”
